Thursday 17 October 2024

AutoSys Workload Automation: Bulk ON_HOLD Action


AutoSys Workload Automation: Bulk ON_HOLD Action


AutoSys is a powerful workload automation tool that helps organizations manage and schedule jobs across various platforms. One of the functionalities it offers is the ability to change the status of jobs in bulk. The ON_HOLD status can be particularly useful for managing job dependencies, maintenance windows, or temporarily pausing jobs without deleting them. This article explores the steps and best practices for implementing a bulk ON_HOLD action in AutoSys.

Understanding the ON_HOLD Status

When a job is set to ON_HOLD, it is temporarily suspended. This means that the job will not run until it is explicitly released from this state. This feature is essential for system administrators and DevOps teams who need to control job execution during maintenance periods, changes in business processes, or when dependencies are not met.

Use Cases for Bulk ON_HOLD Action

  1. System Maintenance: During system upgrades or maintenance activities, jobs may need to be paused to avoid conflicts or performance issues.
  2. Dependency Management: If a dependent job fails or is delayed, putting related jobs ON_HOLD can prevent them from running and encountering errors.
  3. Resource Allocation: When resources are limited, it may be necessary to pause non-critical jobs to free up resources for priority tasks.

Steps to Execute Bulk ON_HOLD Action

Executing a bulk ON_HOLD action can be done through the AutoSys command-line interface (CLI) or using JIL (Job Information Language). Below are the methods to implement this action.

Method 1: Using JIL Scripts

JIL scripts allow for programmatic control of jobs in AutoSys. Here’s how to bulk set jobs to ON_HOLD using a JIL script:

  1. Create a JIL Script: Create a JIL file (e.g., hold_jobs.jil) with the following syntax:

    insert_job: job_name_1 job_type: c machine: machine_name owner: owner_name permission: gx,wx date_conditions: n condition: s(job_name_2) action: hold

    Repeat the insert_job block for each job you wish to put ON_HOLD. Make sure to replace job_name_1, machine_name, and owner_name with the appropriate values.

  2. Load the JIL Script: Use the following command to load the JIL script into AutoSys:

    jil < hold_jobs.jil
  3. Verify Job Status: After loading the JIL, verify that the jobs have been placed ON_HOLD using the following command:

    autorep -J job_name_1

Method 2: Using Command Line Interface

You can also set jobs to ON_HOLD using the AutoSys command line. Here’s a simplified approach:

  1. Identify Jobs: Use the autorep command to identify the jobs that need to be put ON_HOLD:

    autorep -J job_name_pattern
  2. Put Jobs ON_HOLD: Use the sendevent command to change the status of jobs. The following command can be executed for each job:

    sendevent -E ON_HOLD -J job_name

    For bulk action, you can script this command in a shell script that loops through a list of job names.

Example Shell Script for Bulk ON_HOLD

Here’s a basic shell script example to put multiple jobs ON_HOLD:

#!/bin/bash # List of jobs to put ON_HOLD jobs=("job_name_1" "job_name_2" "job_name_3") # Loop through each job and set to ON_HOLD for job in "${jobs[@]}"; do sendevent -E ON_HOLD -J "$job" echo "Job $job is now ON_HOLD." done

Best Practices

  • Document Changes: Always document changes made to job statuses for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.
  • Monitor Job Dependencies: After putting jobs ON_HOLD, monitor the status of dependent jobs to avoid unwanted delays in job execution.
  • Regular Reviews: Regularly review ON_HOLD jobs to determine if they should be released or permanently removed.


The bulk ON_HOLD action in AutoSys provides significant control over job scheduling and execution. By using JIL scripts or command-line operations, administrators can efficiently manage job states in response to changing business needs or system conditions. Implementing these practices can help maintain operational efficiency and reduce errors in job execution.

Understanding Apache Airflow DAGs: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding Apache Airflow DAGs: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform designed to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. It allows users to define complex data pipelines in Python code, which can be easily managed, tested, and maintained. At the core of Airflow's functionality is the concept of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

What is a DAG?

A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a finite directed graph with no directed cycles. In simpler terms, a DAG is a way of organizing tasks such that each task (or node) has a specific order of execution, ensuring that no task loops back to a previous one. This structure is ideal for data pipelines, where tasks need to be executed in a specific sequence.

Key Features of a DAG

  1. Directed: The edges between tasks in a DAG indicate the direction of execution. A task can only proceed once all its upstream tasks have completed successfully.

  2. Acyclic: The absence of cycles means that there is no way for a task to depend on itself, directly or indirectly. This ensures a clear flow of data and execution order.

  3. Nodes and Edges: Each task in a DAG is represented as a node, while the dependencies between tasks are represented as directed edges.

Structure of an Airflow DAG

In Airflow, a DAG is defined using Python code, which allows for flexibility and dynamic task generation. Below is a breakdown of how to create a simple DAG:

Example DAG

from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from datetime import datetime # Define the default arguments for the DAG default_args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'start_date': datetime(2024, 10, 1), 'retries': 1, } # Instantiate the DAG dag = DAG( 'example_dag', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval='@daily', ) # Define tasks start = DummyOperator( task_id='start', dag=dag, ) def my_task(): print("Executing my task!") task_1 = PythonOperator( task_id='task_1', python_callable=my_task, dag=dag, ) end = DummyOperator( task_id='end', dag=dag, ) # Set task dependencies start >> task_1 >> end

Explanation of the Example

  1. Imports: The necessary modules and operators are imported.

  2. Default Arguments: A dictionary defines the default parameters for the DAG, such as the owner, start date, and number of retries in case of failure.

  3. DAG Instantiation: A new DAG instance is created with a unique identifier (example_dag) and a scheduling interval (in this case, daily).

  4. Task Definition:

    • DummyOperator: A placeholder task that does nothing. It's often used as a starting or ending point.
    • PythonOperator: Executes a Python function (my_task) as part of the workflow.
  5. Task Dependencies: The >> operator is used to set the order of task execution: start must complete before task_1, which in turn must finish before end starts.

Benefits of Using DAGs in Apache Airflow

  1. Clear Workflow Visualization: DAGs provide a clear visual representation of the workflow, making it easier to understand task dependencies and the overall pipeline.

  2. Flexibility: Since DAGs are defined in Python, they can be dynamically generated based on various conditions, allowing for highly flexible workflows.

  3. Error Handling and Retries: Airflow allows users to specify retry logic and failure handling directly within the DAG, enhancing robustness.

  4. Scheduling: DAGs can be scheduled to run at specific intervals or triggered manually, providing control over data pipeline execution.

  5. Extensibility: Airflow supports various operators for different tasks (e.g., SQL, Bash, HTTP), making it easy to integrate with other systems and tools.


Apache Airflow DAGs are fundamental to building and managing complex data workflows. By utilizing the power of DAGs, data engineers and data scientists can create scalable, maintainable, and easily monitored data pipelines. Whether you are orchestrating simple tasks or managing intricate workflows, understanding and effectively using DAGs is essential for leveraging the full capabilities of Apache Airflow.