Chapter 2: Working with JIL
The jil Command and JIL (Job Information Language)
Job Information Language (JIL) is a scripting language that lets you define and modify
assets such as jobs, global variables, machines, job types, external instances, and blobs.
The jil command runs the language processor that inteprets JIL. You use JIL
subcommands and attributes to specify the asset definitions that you want to create or
modify. The jil command loads the data that you specify into the database.
You can define and modify assets using the following methods:
■ Issue the jil command, which displays the JIL command prompt. You enter
subcommands interactively one line at a time. When you exit the command
prompt, the language processor interprets the asset definition and loads it into the
■ Create a JIL script by entering subcommands and attribute statements in a text file.
You redirect the JIL script to the jil command. The jil command activates the
language processor, interprets the information in the script, and loads this
information in the database.
JIL Subcommands
JIL subcommands lets you define and modify asset definitions. You specify JIL
subcommands using the jil command.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify jobs and boxes:
Deletes an existing box job and all the jobs in that box from the database.
Deletes a job from the database. If the specified job is a box job, the box job is
deleted and the jobs in the box become stand-alone jobs.
Adds a new job definition to the database.
Defines a one-time override for an existing job definition. This override affects the
job for the next run only.
Updates an existing job definition in the database.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify machines:
Deletes an existing real or virtual machine definition from the database.
Inserts a new real or virtual machine definition in the database. A machine must be
defined before it can be used in a job definition.
Updates an existing machine in the database.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify monitor or report definitions:
Deletes the specified monitor or report definition from the database.
Adds a new monitor or report definition to the database.
Updates an existing monitor or report definition in the database.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify job types:
Verifies that no jobs are currently defined with the specified job type, then deletes
the specified job type definition from the database.
Adds a new user-defined job type definition to the database. This is the only way to
create a user-defined job type.
Updates an existing user-defined job type definition in the database. You can use
update_job_type to change the values of the command and description attributes.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify blobs and globs:
Adds a new blob definition associated with an existing job.
Adds a new glob definition referenced by a given name.
Decouples a blob definition from an existing job and deletes the blob from the
Deletes the specified glob definition from the database.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify external instances:
Deletes the specified external instance definition from the database.
Adds a new external instance definition to the database.
Updates an existing external instance definition in the database.
The following JIL subcommands define and modify resources:
Deletes a virtual resource from the database.
Adds a new virtual resource definition to the database.
Updates an existing virtual resource definition in the database.
JIL Syntax Rules
JIL scripts contain one or more JIL subcommands and one or more attribute statements.
These elements constitute a job definition. You can create job definitions in interactive
mode by opening the operating system or instance command prompt and entering the
following command:
Alternatively, you can enter the subcommands and attribute statements for all of your
job definitions in a text (.txt) file and then import the job definitions by redirecting the
file as input to JIL. To import job definitions from a text file, open the operating system
or instance command prompt and enter the following command:
jil < file_name.txt
A JIL script is valid only when it is written according to the JIL syntax rules. If you create
the job definitions in a text file import them, ensure that you follow the JIL syntax rules.
To automatically check the syntax, enter the following command:
jil -v syntax < file_name.txt
Important! The syntax checker does not commit the job definitions in the file to the
database. To commit the definitions, ensure that you correct any syntax errors that the
checker identifies and then run the following command:
jil < file_name.txt
Note: Running the syntax checker adds time to the import process.
A valid job definition adheres to the following syntax rules:
Rule 1
Each subcommand uses the following form:
Defines a JIL subcommand.
Defines the name of the object (for example, a job or a machine) to act on.
Rule 2
You can follow each subcommand with one or more attribute statements. These
statements can occur in any order and are applied to the object specified in the
preceding subcommand. A subsequent subcommand begins a new set of attributes
for a different object. The attribute statements have the following form:
Defines a valid JIL attribute.
Defines the setting to apply to the attribute.
■ The entire attribute_keyword:value statement can be up to 4096 characters.
■ The following subcommands do not accept attributes: delete_box, delete_job,
delete_job_type, delete_xinst, delete_monbro, and delete_glob.
Rule 3
You can enter multiple attribute statements on the same line, but you must
separate the attribute statements with at least one space.
Rule 4
A box job definition must exist before you can add jobs to it.
Rule 5
Valid value settings can include any of the following characters:
■ Uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z)
■ Hyphens (-)
■ Underscores (_)
■ Pound signs (#)
■ Numbers (0-9)
■ Colons (:), if the colon is escaped with quotation marks (" ") or a preceding
backslash (\)
■ The at character (@)
Note: Object names can only contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period
(.), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and pound (#). Do not include embedded spaces or
Rule 6
Because JIL parses on the combination of a keyword followed by a colon, you must
use escape characters (a backslash) or enclose the value in quotation marks with
any colons used in an attribute statement's value. For example, to define the start
time for a job, specify 10\:00or “10:00”.
Note: When specifying drive letters in commands, you must use escape characters
with the colon (:). For example, "C:\tmp" and C\:\tmp are valid; C:\tmp is not.
Rule 7
Use one of the following methods to indicate comments in a JIL script:
■ To comment an entire line, put a pound sign (#) in the first column.
■ To comment one or more lines, you can use the C programming syntax for
beginning a comment with a forward slash and asterisk (/*) and ending it with
an asterisk and a forward slash (*/). For example:
/* this is a comment */
Rule 8
You can use the blob_input attribute to manually enter multiline text. This attribute
is only valid for the insert_job, update_job, insert_blob, and insert_glob
subcommands. The blob_input attribute has the following form:
blob_input:<auto_blobt> this is a multi-
line text
Note: Use the auto_blobt meta-tags to indicate the beginning and end of multiline
text. JIL interprets every character input between the auto_blobt meta-tags
literally. This implies that JIL does not enforce any of the previously discussed rules
for text entered in an open auto_blobt meta-tag.
Rule 9
To specify a comma in keyword=value combinations, you must do one of the
■ Escape the comma with a backslash, as follows:
j2ee_parameter: String=Hello1\, World
■ Enclose the entire value in quotation marks, as follows:
j2ee_parameter: String="Hello1, World"
If the keyword=value combination contains commas and quotation marks, you must
escape the commas and quotation marks as follows:
j2ee_parameter: String=\"Hello1\, World\"
Issue JIL in Interactive Mode on UNIX
You can issue the jil command and subcommands on UNIX at the operating system
prompt. The operating system prompt lets you enter data interactively. You can also
create aliases for the commands that you use frequently. The interactive mode is helpful
when you do not need to issue JIL commands in batch. For example, you can use the
interactive mode when you want to test specific job definitions.
Note: Before you can issue commands at the operating system prompt, the CA
Workload Automation AE environment must be sourced in the shell and your UNIX user
ID and password must be defined on CA Workload Automation AE. For more
information about sourcing the environment and defining user IDs, see the UNIX
Implementation Guide.
Follow these steps:
1. Run the shell that is sourced to use CA Workload Automation AE.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Enter jil at the operating system prompt.
The JIL command prompt is displayed for the local CA Workload Automation AE
■ Enter jil -S instance at the operating system prompt.
The JIL command prompt is displayed for the specified CA Workload
Automation AE instance.
Specifies the CA Workload Automation AE instance where you want to issue
the JIL subcommand. For single-instance environments, the jil command
defaults to the only available instance.
3. Enter a JIL subcommand and follow the prompts.
4. Enter exit when you are done entering the data.
JIL interactive mode ends and the data is loaded into the database.
Issue JIL in Interactive Mode on Windows
You can issue the jil command and subcommands on Windows by using the CA
Workload Automation AE instance command prompt. The instance command prompt
lets you enter data interactively. The interactive mode is helpful when you do not need
to issue JIL commands in batch. For example, you can use the interactive mode when
you want to test specific job definitions.
Follow these steps:
1. Click Start, Programs, CA, Workload Automation AE, Command Prompt
The instance command prompt is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Enter jil.
The JIL command prompt is displayed for the local CA Workload Automation AE
■ Enter jil -S instance.
The JIL command prompt is displayed for the specified CA Workload
Automation AE instance.
Specifies the CA Workload Automation AE instance where you want to issue
the JIL subcommand. For single-instance environments, the jil command
defaults to the only available instance.
3. Enter a JIL subcommand and follow the prompts.
4. Enter exit when you are done entering the data.
JIL interactive mode ends and the data is loaded into the database.
Issue JIL Using a Script on UNIX
You can embed JIL subcommands and attribute statements in a shell script and redirect
the script to the jil command. The jil command activates the language processor,
interprets the information in the script, and loads this information in the database.
Using a script is helpful when you want to issue JIL subcommands in batch.
Note: Before you can run the JIL script, the CA Workload Automation AE environment
must be sourced in the shell and your UNIX user ID and password must be defined on CA
Workload Automation AE. For more information about sourcing the environment and
defining user IDs, see the UNIX Implementation Guide.
Follow these steps:
1. Run the shell that is sourced to use CA Workload Automation AE.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Enter jil < script at the operating system prompt.
The subcommands in the JIL script are issued on the local CA Workload
Automation AE instance and the data is loaded into the database.
■ Enter jil -S instance < script at the operating system prompt.
The subcommands in the JIL script are issued on the specified CA Workload
Automation AE instance and the data is loaded into the database.
Specifies the name of the script that contains the JIL subcommands and
Specifies the CA Workload Automation AE instance where you want to run the
JIL script. For single-instance environments, the jil command defaults to the
only available instance.
Note: For more information about the jil command, see the Reference Guide.
Example: Submit a Job Definition Using a JIL Script
This example redirects a file called my_jil_script to the jil command on the PRD instance
of CA Workload Automation AE.
jil –S PRD < my_jil_script
Issue JIL Using a Script on Windows
You can embed JIL subcommands and attribute statements in a script and redirect the
script to the jil command. The jil command activates the language processor, interprets
the information in the script, and loads this information in the database. Using a script is
helpful when you want to issue JIL subcommands in batch.
Follow these steps:
1. Click Start, Programs, CA, Workload Automation AE, Command Prompt
The instance command prompt is displayed.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Enter jil < script.
The subcommands in the JIL script are issued on the local CA Workload
Automation AE instance and the data is loaded into the database.
■ Enter jil -S instance < script.
The subcommands in the JIL script are issued on the local CA Workload
Automation AE instance and the data is loaded into the database.
Specifies the name of the script that contains the JIL subcommands and
Specifies the CA Workload Automation AE instance where you want to run the
JIL script. For single-instance environments, the jil command defaults to the
only available instance.
■ You cannot use the MS-DOS command prompt to redirect a JIL script to the jil
■ To issue commands that run on a UNIX computer from Windows, you must use the
syntax appropriate to the operating system where the job runs.
■ For the jil command to work properly, the correct environment variables must be
assigned. For more information about environment variables, see the Windows
Implementation Guide.
■ For more information about the jil command.
Example: Submit a Job Definition to the Local Instance Using a JIL Script
This example redirects a file called newjobdef to the jil command on the local instance
of CA Workload Automation AE.
jil < newjobdef
Example JIL Script :
The following JIL script creates a command job, a file watcher job, and a box job to do
the following:
1. You expect a file named /DOWNLOAD/MAINFRAME/SALE.RAW to arrive from the
mainframe some time after 2:00 a.m.
2. When the file arrives, the command file named filter_mainframe_info processes it,
and the results are sent as an output to the file named
3. When the actions are complete, the SQL commands in the file named
# Example of a Machine
insert_machine: lowgate
type: a
# Example of Jobs
insert_job: Nightly_Download
job_type: box
date_conditions: yes
days_of_week: all
start_times: "02:00"
insert_job: Watch_4_file
job_type: ft
box_name: Nightly_Download
watch_file_type: generate
machine: lowgate
insert_job: filter_data
job_type: cmd
box_name: Nightly_Download
condition: success(Watch_4_file)
command: filter_mainframe_info
machine: lowgate
insert_job: parse_data
job_type: cmd
box_name: Nightly_Download
condition: success(filter_data)
machine: lowgate
command: isql -U mutt -P jeff
std_out_file: /LOG/parse_data.out
std_err_file: /LOG/LOG/parse_data.err
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