Monday, 21 September 2015

Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs

Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 

File Trigger Jobs :

File Trigger jobs let you monitor file activity. You can define File Trigger jobs for UNIX, 
Linux, Windows, or i5/OS systems. 
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, Windows, 
or i5/OS. 
The File Trigger job can monitor when a file is created, updated, deleted, expanded, or 
shrunk, and when a file exists or does not exist. 
Example: Monitor for an Update to a File 
Suppose that a File Trigger job named PAYDATA monitors for an update to the 
payroll.dat file on a Windows computer. When the file is updated, the job completes 
and the scheduling manager releases a job named PAYRUN. 
 Define a File Trigger Job 
The following diagram shows the scenario: 
Define a File Trigger Job 
You can define a File Trigger job to monitor when a file is created, updated, deleted, 
expanded, or shrunk, and when a file exists or does not exist. By default, File Trigger 
jobs monitor for the existence of a file. 
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, or 
Follow these steps: 
1. Insert a job and specify the following attributes in the definition: 
job_type: FT 
Specifies that the job type is File Trigger. 
Specifies the name of the machine on which the job runs. 
Specifies the path to and name of one or more files to monitor. 
 Define a File Trigger Job 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 283 
2. (Optional) Specify optional File Trigger attributes: 
■ continuous 
■ job_class 
■ job_terminator 
■ watch_file_change_type 
■ watch_file_change_value 
■ watch_file_groupname 
■ watch_file_owner 
■ watch_file_recursive 
■ watch_file_type 
■ watch_file_win_user 
■ watch_no_change 
3. (Optional) Specify common attributes that apply to all job types. 
The File Trigger job is defined. When the job runs, it monitors for the existence of 
the specified file. 
■ Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definitions; 
therefore, they are optional. For example, jobs with no specified job type are 
defined as command jobs by default. Other optional attributes specify information 
that is not required but affects how or when a job runs, such as attributes that 
specify scheduling conditions. 
■ Some optional attributes are common to all job types but others apply to certain 
jobs types only. Optional attributes that apply to all job types are known as 
common optional attributes. For more information about common optional 
attributes and the values that you can specify for them (including their default 
values when applicable), see the Reference Guide. 
■ For information about required attributes and job type specific optional attributes, 
see the procedure topics that provide instructions for defining jobs. 
■ This guide provides instructions for defining jobs interactively. You also create job 
definitions in script files and then import them using the jil command or use CA 
WCC to define them. For more information about the JIL command and JIL syntax, 
see the Reference Guide. For more information about using CA WCC to define the 
job, see the CA Workload Control Center Workload Scheduling Guide. 
 Monitor for Other Types of File Activity 
284 User Guide 
Example: Monitor for the Existence of a File 
This example monitors for the existence of the batch.input file in the tmp directory. If 
the file exists in the directory, the job completes. If the file does not exist in that 
directory, the job fails. 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: /tmp/batch.input 
watch_file_type: EXIST 
More information: 
Insert a Job Definition (see page 88) 
Monitor for Other Types of File Activity 
A File Trigger job checks for the existence of a file by default. You can define the job to 
monitor for other types of file activity. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
2. Add the following attribute to the job definition: 
Specifies the type of file activity that a File Trigger job monitors for. Choose one 
of the following options: 
■ CREATE—Indicates that the file trigger occurs when the file is located and 
remains unchanged for the amount of time specified in the 
watch_no_change attribute. When the watch_no_change attribute is not 
specified, the trigger occurs as soon as the file is located. A file that exists 
when the job starts is located during the first scan, which occurs 30 
seconds after the job starts. Subsequent scans occur every 30 seconds, so 
a file that does not exist when the job starts is located a maximum of 30 
seconds after it is created. 
■ DELETE—Indicates that the file trigger occurs when the file is deleted. 
■ EXIST—Indicates that the file trigger occurs if the file exists. If the file does 
not exist, the job fails. 
 Monitor for Other Types of File Activity 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 285 
■ EXPAND—Indicates that the file trigger occurs when the file meets the 
specified size requirements and then remains unchanged for the amount 
of time specified in the watch_no_change attribute. When the 
watch_no_change attribute is not specified, the trigger occurs as soon as 
the size requirements are met. When the file meets the size requirements 
before the job starts, the job detects this during the first scan. In this case, 
the trigger occurs 30 seconds after the job starts unless the 
watch_no_change attribute is specified. The size requirement is met when 
the file is equal to or larger than the specified size or expands by at least 
the specified amount, depending on the type of size change that you 
specify in the job definition. 
■ SHRINK—Indicates that the file trigger occurs when the file meets the 
specified size requirements and then remains unchanged for the amount 
of time specified in the watch_no_change attribute. When the 
watch_no_change attribute is not specified, the trigger occurs as soon as 
the size requirements are met. When the file meets the size requirements 
before the job starts, the job detects this during the first scan. In this case, 
the trigger occurs 30 seconds after the job starts unless the 
watch_no_change attribute is specified. The size requirements are met 
when the file is equal to or smaller than the specified size or shrinks by at 
least the specified amount. 
■ UPDATE—Indicates that the file trigger occurs when the file is updated and 
then remains unchanged for the amount of time specified in the 
watch_no_change attribute. When the watch_no_change attribute is not 
specified, the trigger occurs as soon as the file is updated. 
■ GENERATE—Indicates that the trigger occurs when the file is created or 
updated and then remains unchanged for the amount of time specified in 
the watch_no_change attribute. When the watch_no_change attribute is 
not specified, the trigger occurs as soon as the file is created or updated. 
Note: If the file exists when the job starts and is not updated after the job 
starts, no trigger occurs. In this case, the job does not complete and remains in 
the RUNNING state indefinitely. 
 Monitor for Other Types of File Activity 
286 User Guide 
3. (As applicable) Specify the size change information. Ensure that you specify this 
information for any job that monitors for the creation of a file or for a change in the 
size of file; otherwise, it is not applicable. To specify size change information, enter 
the following attribute arguments: 
[watch_file_change_type: {DELTA|PERCENT|SIZE}] 
watch_file_change_value: value 
[watch_file_change_type: {DELTA|PERCENT}] 
(Optional) Specifies the type of size as follows: 
By default, the trigger occurs when the file expands to or shrinks to the 
specified size. To issue a trigger when a file expands or decreases by a specified 
amount, include this argument. You can measure expansion or shrinkage as a 
percentage of total size or as a specific amount. 
watch_file_change_value: value 
Specifies a number of bytes or a percentage depending on the type of size 
change you specified. The trigger occurs when the file expands to at least the 
specified size or by at least the specified amount, when the file shrinks by at 
least the specified amount, or when the file shrinks to the specified size or less. 
When monitoring for a specific size or for a change in size that is not a 
percentage change, specify the value in bytes. When measuring size change as 
a percentage of the total size, specify a value between 1 and 100. 
4. Run the job. 
The job monitors the file for the specified activity. 
■ For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference 
■ By default, the agent scans for the monitored conditions every 30 seconds. If the 
file changes more than once between scans, the trigger occurs only once or not at 
all. For example, suppose that your job monitors for the creation of a file and that 
file is created and deleted between scans. The trigger does not occur because the 
file does not exist when the directory is scanned. 
Example: Monitor the Creation of a File 
This example monitors for the creation of a file named monthly.log. The job completes 
when the file is created. 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagt 
watch_file: "c:\data\monthly.log" 
watch_file_type: CREATE Monitor for Other Types of File Activity 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 287 
Example: Monitor the Creation and Stability of a File 
This example monitors for the creation of a file named monthly.log. The job completes 
when the file is created and has not changed for consecutive watch_no_change polling 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagt 
watch_file: "c:\data\monthly.log" 
watch_file_type: GENERATE 
watch_no_change: 2 
Example: Monitor for the Deletion of Files with Names Beginning with Pay 
This example continuously monitors the /usr/data/ directory for files that have names 
beginning with pay. When all files that have a name beginning with pay are deleted, the 
job completes successfully. 
insert_job: ftjob 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagt 
watch_file: /usr/data/pay* 
watch_file_type: DELETE 
continuous: Y 
Example: Monitor for an Increase in File Size by a Specific Amount 
This example defines a job named ft_unix_delta to monitor the file named record in the 
credit directory and issue a trigger when the file increases in size by at least 200000 
bytes and then remains unchanged for 30 minutes. 
insert_job: ft_unix_delta 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: /credit/record 
watch_file_type: EXPAND 
watch_file_change_type: DELTA 
watch_file_change_value: 200000 
watch_no_change: 30 Attributes with Default Values 
288 User Guide 
Example: Check that a File Does Not Exist in a Directory 
This example defines a job named ft_unix_notexist to search the /start/term/ directory 
for a file named vacation and to issue a trigger if the file does not exist. 
insert_job: ft_unix_notexist 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: /start/term/vacation 
watch_file_type: NOTEXIST 
Example: Monitor for a Decrease in File Size to a Specific Amount 
This example defines a job named ft_unix_shrink to issue a trigger when the file named 
distribute that is located in the /cash/items directory is 1000 bytes or smaller. 
insert_job: ft_unix_shrink 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: /cash/items/distribute 
watch_file_type: SHRINK 
watch_file_change_type: SIZE 
watch_file_change_value: 1000 
Example: Monitor for Updates to Any of the Files in a Directory and its Subdirectories 
This example defines a job named ft_unix_update to monitor the /usr/data/ directory 
and all of its subdirectories and to issue a trigger when any file that is located in those 
directories is updated and then is not modified again during the next 30 minutes. 
insert_job: ft_unix_update 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: "/usr/data/*" 
watch_file_type: UPDATE 
watch_file_recursive: Y 
watch_no_change: 30 
Attributes with Default Values 
Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definition. Therefore, 
you do not have to specify those attributes in the definition. Your agent administrator 
can define some default values on the agent in the agentparm.txt file. 
If you specify the attribute in a job definition, it overrides the default. 
 Attributes with Default Values 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 289 
The following File Trigger job attributes have default values: 
Specifies whether the job monitors the file continuously for a specified condition. 
Default: N (The job immediately checks for the condition and completes.) 
Specifies whether the job monitors for file activity in the specified directory only or 
in the specified directory and all of its subdirectories. 
Default: N (The job does not monitor subdirectories.) 
Specifies the type of change to detect when monitoring a file for an increase or 
decrease in size.. 
Default: SIZE (The job monitors the file to reach a specified size.) 
Specifies the type of file activity to monitor for. 
Default: CREATE (The job monitors for the creation of a file.) 
Defines the number of minutes the file must remain unchanged to satisfy the 
monitor condition. 
Default: 1 (The file must remain unchanged for 1 minute.) 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Override Default Values 
The watch_file_type and watch_no_change attributes in the following job definition 
override the default values. 
In this example, the unixagt agent monitors the analysis file in the /research directory. If 
the file size expands to 1 byte or more and remains unchanged for 120 minutes or more, 
the job completes. 
insert_job: ft_unix_nochange 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: /research/analysis 
watch_file_type: EXPAND 
watch_file_change_type: SIZE 
watch_file_change_value: 1 
watch_no_change: 120 Monitor a File Continuously 
290 User Guide 
Monitor a File Continuously 
You can define a File Trigger job to monitor a file continuously for a CREATE, GENERATE, 
EXPAND, UPDATE, DELETE, or SHRINK condition. Each time the condition occurs, an alert 
is written to the scheduler log file (event_demon.$AUTOSERV on UNIX and 
event_demon.%AUTOSERV% on Windows). 
If a job monitors for the deletion of files, the job completes when all the monitored files 
are deleted or it is completed manually. For all other conditions, the job continues to 
monitor until it is completed manually. 
Note: You cannot define File Trigger jobs to monitor a file continuously for the EXIST or 
NOTEXIST conditions. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
2. Add the following attribute to the job definition: 
Specifies whether the job monitors the file continuously for a specified 
3. Run the job. 
The specified file is monitored continuously. 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Continuously Monitor the Same File Using Multiple File Trigger Jobs 
In this example, two File Trigger jobs monitor the same file for a change in size by 10 KB. 
One job monitors for an increased change in size and the other job monitors for a 
decreased change in size. The jobs are independent and do not relate to each other in 
any way. 
insert_job: ftjob1 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagent 
watch_file: "c:\data\totals" 
watch_file_type: EXPAND 
continuous: Y 
watch_file_change_type: DELTA 
watch_file_change_value: 10240 /* The value must be entered in bytes (10 x 1024 bytes 
= 10240) */ Monitor a File that is Owned by a UNIX Owner or Group 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 291 
insert_job: ftjob2 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagent 
watch_file: "c:\data\totals" 
watch_file_type: SHRINK 
continuous: Y 
watch_file_change_type: DELTA 
watch_file_change_value: 10240 /* The value must be entered in bytes (10 x 1024 bytes 
= 10240) */ 
Suppose that the initial file size of totals (c:\data\totals) is 100 KB and it changes as 
100 KB (initial size), 80 KB, 90 KB, 110 KB, 50 KB, 60 KB 
The following triggers occur: 
■ Because the file trigger type is EXPAND, the first job (ftjob1) writes an alert to the 
scheduler log file once when the file size changes from 90 KB to 110 KB. 
■ Because the file trigger type is SHRINK, the second job (ftjob2) writes an alert to the 
scheduler log file twice. The triggers occur when the file shrinks from 100 KB to 80 
KB and then again when the file shrinks from 110 KB to 50 KB. 
The jobs end when they are forced to complete. 
Monitor a File that is Owned by a UNIX Owner or Group 
You can define a File Trigger job to monitor a file that is owned by a specific UNIX owner 
or group. If the file is not owned by the specified owner or group, the following occurs: 
■ The job continues monitoring if the file trigger type is CREATE or GENERATE. 
■ The job completes if the file trigger type is DELETE or NOTEXIST. 
■ The job fails if the file trigger type is EXPAND, EXIST, SHRINK, or UPDATE. 
Note: You can monitor a file owned by a specific owner or group on i5/OS if the file is 
not a QSYS object. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
2. Add one or more of the following attributes to the job definition: 
Specifies the name of the group that owns the file to be monitored. 
Specifies the user ID that owns the file to be monitored. 
 Monitor a File that is Owned by a UNIX Owner or Group 
292 User Guide 
3. Run the job. 
The specified file is monitored. 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Monitor for the Creation of a File that Is Owned by a Specified UNIX User ID 
This example defines a job named ft_job to issue a trigger in the following situations: 
■ When a file named payroll with attributes that specify JDOE as the file owner is 
created and is not modified within the first 30 minutes of existence. 
■ When a file named payroll with attributes that specify JDOE as the file owner exists 
before the job starts, is located during the first scan, and is not modified within the 
following 30 minutes. 
■ When the owner of the file named payroll changes to JDOE and the file is not 
modified within the next 30 seconds. 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: ftagt 
watch_file: /usr/data/payroll 
watch_file_type: CREATE 
watch_file_owner: JDOE 
■ watch_no_change: 30 
Example: Monitor for the Existence of a File that Is Owned by a Specified UNIX Group 
Suppose that you want a job to monitor for the existence of the /data/payroll.dat file 
that is owned by the UNIX group ACCTS: 
■ If the file exists and the file is owned by the group ACCTS when the job is readied, 
the job completes immediately. 
■ If the file exists and the file is not owned by the group ACCTS when the job is 
readied, the job fails. 
insert_job: ft_unixgroup 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagent 
watch_file: /data/payroll.dat 
watch_file_type: EXIST 
watch_file_groupname: ACCTS Configure the Agent to Run File Trigger Jobs as an External Process 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 293 
Configure the Agent to Run File Trigger Jobs as an External 
File Trigger jobs typically run as threads under the CA Workload Automation Agent 
process. If you want to monitor files with names that contain variables, or if you want to 
monitor a file on a remote computer, you must run the job as an external process. 
To configure the agent to run File Trigger jobs as an external process, ask your agent 
administrator to set the following parameters in the agent's agentparm.txt file: 
Runs File Trigger jobs run as an external process. 
(Optional) Specifies the default operating system user ID that all jobs on the agent 
computer run under. This user ID must have access to all files monitored by all File 
Trigger jobs. 
Note: If this parameter is not set, File Trigger jobs run under the user ID that started 
the agent. 
(Optional) Specifies the password for the default user ID. 
Resolve File Names That Contain Variables 
You can define a File Trigger job that monitor a file whose name contains variables. To 
resolve the variables in the file name, the agent runs the File Trigger job as an external 
Follow these steps: 
1. Configure the agent to run File Trigger jobs as an external process (see page 293). 
2. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
3. Add the following attribute: 
Specifies the path to and name of one or more files to monitor. You can specify 
file names that contain variables. 
Example: $AUTOSYS/reports/august2011.out 
 Monitor a File on a Remote UNIX Computer 
294 User Guide 
4. Run the job. 
The specified files are monitored. 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Monitor for the Existence of a File 
This example monitors for the existence of the august2011.out file on the unixagt 
machine. The job monitors the directory specified by the $MY_PATH variable. The job 
runs under the user that started the unixagt agent. The filemonplugin.runexternal agent 
parameter is set to true. If the file exists in the directory, the job completes. If the file 
does not exist in that directory, the job fails. 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: $MY_PATH/reports/august2011.out 
watch_file_type: EXIST 
Monitor a File on a Remote UNIX Computer 
You can define a File Trigger job to monitor remote files across a UNIX network using a 
specified user ID. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Configure the agent to run File Trigger jobs as an external process (see page 293). 
2. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
3. Add the following attribute: 
Specifies the path to and name of one or more files to monitor. You can specify 
file names that contain variables and remote files on a UNIX network. 
Example: $AUTOSYS/reports/august2011.out 
4. Run the job. 
The specified files are monitored. 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
 Monitor a File on a Remote Windows Computer 
Chapter 9: File Trigger Jobs 295 
Example: Monitor for the Existence of a File 
This example monitors for the existence of the august2011.out file on the unixagt 
machine. The job monitors the directory specified by the $MY_PATH variable. The job 
runs under the user that started the unixagt agent. The filemonplugin.runexternal agent 
parameter is set to true. If the file exists in the directory, the job completes. If the file 
does not exist in that directory, the job fails. 
insert_job: ft_job 
job_type: FT 
machine: unixagt 
watch_file: $MY_PATH/reports/august2011.out 
watch_file_type: EXIST 
owner: jsmith 
Monitor a File on a Remote Windows Computer 
You can define a File Trigger job to monitor a file on a remote Windows system if the 
agent runs as a Windows service under the local system account. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Verify with your agent administrator that the agent is running as a Windows service 
under the local system account. 
2. (Optional) Ask your agent administrator to set the following parameters in the 
agent's agentparm.txt file: 
Specifies the default operating system user ID that all jobs on the agent 
computer run under. This user ID must have access to the monitored files. 
■ The watch_file_win_user attribute overrides this parameter. 
■ If this parameter is not set, you must specify the watch_file_win_user 
attribute in the File Trigger job definition. 
Specifies the password for the default user ID. 
Note: If this parameter is not set, you must specify the watch_file_win_user 
attribute in the File Trigger job definition and define the corresponding user ID 
and password via autosys_secure. 
 Monitor a File on a Remote Windows Computer 
296 User Guide 
3. Ask your CA Workload Automation AE administrator to define a user ID and 
password on CA Workload Automation AE that has access to the file on the remote 
Windows computer. 
4. Define a File Trigger job (see page 282). 
5. Add the following attributes to the job definition: 
Specifies the path to and name of one or more files to monitor. Specify a UNC 
(Universal Naming Convention) name. A UNC name is the name of a file or 
other resource that begins with two backslashes (\\), indicating that it exists on 
a remote computer. 
Specifies the user ID and the domain the user ID belongs to. This user ID must 
have access to the remote files in the UNC path. This attribute overrides the 
oscomponent.default.user parameter on the agent. 
6. Run the job. 
The specified file on the remote Windows computer is monitored. 
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the 
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Monitor for an Update to a File on a Remote Windows Computer 
This example monitors for an update to the payroll.dat file on a remote Windows 
computer named CYBNT. The job runs under JSMITH, which is a user ID on CYBNT and is 
in the CYBDOM domain. JSMITH is defined on the scheduling manager and has access to 
the AccountingFiles directory. The winagent machine must have been defined to CA 
Workload Automation AE with the opsys: windows attribute. 
insert_job: ft_remotefile 
job_type: FT 
machine: winagent 
watch_file: \\CYBNT\AccountingFiles\payroll.dat 
watch_file_type: UPDATE 
watch_file_win_user: CYBDOM\JSMITH@CYBDOM 

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