Thursday, 8 October 2015

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs

PeopleSoft Jobs 
PeopleSoft jobs let you run different types of PeopleSoft processes defined in your
PeopleSoft system. For example, you can define PeopleSoft jobs to execute PeopleSoft
programs and report the program status.
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, or Windows
and CA WA Agent for PeopleSoft.
When you define a PeopleSoft job, you can set the output type and format of a report.
For email and web output types, you can set various distribution properties such as the
recipients and message text. You can also pass run control parameter values that will be
stored in the corresponding run control table.
 PeopleSoft Exit Codes

When a PeopleSoft program runs, it modifies its run status (RUNSTATUS) in the
PSPRCSRQST table in the PS database. The following diagram shows the functional
relationship between the scheduling manager, the agent, and the PeopleSoft system:

PeopleSoft Exit Codes 
A PeopleSoft (PS) job can return exit codes 9 and 17, which indicate success. When a PS
job terminates with either of these exit codes, CA Workload Automation AE changes the
status of the job to SUCCESS and logs the non-zero exit code.

PeopleSoft User IDs and Passwords 
The operator ID sets the authority for running PeopleSoft reports. Your agent
administrator can set defaults for an operator ID and corresponding password using the
ps.default.oprId and ps.default.oprPassword parameters in the agentparm.txt. You can
override the default operator ID by specifying the ps_operator_id attribute in a
PeopleSoft job definition. The ps_operator_id must be defined on CA Workload
Automation AE using the autosys_secure command unless the
ps.skipOprPswdValidation=true parameter is configured in the agentparm.txt file.
Note: For more information about the autosys_secure command, see the Reference
 Define a PeopleSoft Job

Define a PeopleSoft Job 
You can define a PeopleSoft (PS) job to schedule workload to run in PeopleSoft. The job
runs a PeopleSoft process request or a collection of process requests.
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, or Windows
and CA WA Agent for PeopleSoft.
Follow these steps:
1. Insert a job and specify the following attributes in the definition:
job_type: PS
Specifies that the job type is PeopleSoft.
Specifies the name of the machine on which the job runs.
Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft report to run. This value corresponds to
the Process Name field in PeopleSoft.
Specifies the type of PeopleSoft report that you want the job to run.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Ensure that a default run control ID is defined in the agent's agentparm.txt file
using the ps.default.runCntlId parameter.
■ Add the following attribute to the definition:
Specifies the value assigned to the run control identifier. This value
corresponds to the Run Control ID field in PeopleSoft.
 Note: This attribute overrides the ps.default.runCntlId agent parameter.
3. (Optional) Specify optional PeopleSoft attributes:
■ envvars
■ job_class
■ job_terminator
■ ps_args
■ ps_dest_format
■ ps_dest_type
■ ps_detail_folder
 Define a PeopleSoft Job

398 User Guide

■ ps_dlist_roles
■ ps_dlist_users
■ ps_email_address
■ ps_email_address_expanded
■ ps_email_log
■ ps_email_subject
■ ps_email_text
■ ps_email_web_report
■ ps_operator_id
■ ps_output_dest
■ ps_restarts
■ ps_run_cntrl_args
■ ps_run_control_table
■ ps_server_name
■ ps_skip_parm_updates
■ ps_time_zone
Note: A PeopleSoft job must have a valid operator ID to run successfully. Check with
your agent administrator to determine whether a default operator ID is set on the
agent. If a default is not set, you must specify this attribute.
4. (Optional) Specify common attributes that apply to all jobs.
The PeopleSoft job is defined.
■ Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definitions;
therefore, they are optional. For example, jobs with no specified job type are
defined as command jobs by default. Other optional attributes specify information
that is not required but affects how or when a job runs, such as attributes that
specify scheduling conditions.
■ Some optional attributes are common to all job types but others apply to certain
jobs types only. Optional attributes that apply to all job types are known as
common optional attributes. For more information about common optional
attributes and the values that you can specify for them (including their default
values when applicable), see the Reference Guide.
■ For information about required attributes and job type specific optional attributes,
see the procedure topics that provide instructions for defining jobs. Attributes with Default Values

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs 399

■ This guide provides instructions for defining jobs interactively. You also create job
definitions in script files and then import them using the jil command or use CA
WCC to define them. For more information about the JIL command and JIL syntax,
see the Reference Guide. For more information about using CA WCC to define the
job, see the CA Workload Control Center Workload Scheduling Guide.

Example: Run a PeopleSoft Process
This example runs an Application Engine process named DDDAUDIT. The job runs on the
agent named psagt.
insert_job: ps_txtfile
job_type: ps
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: DDDAUDIT
ps_process_type: Application Engine
Note: The job uses the default operator ID, output destination format, output
destination type, and run control ID defined on the agent. The PeopleSoft Server that
runs the job is not defined in the job definition or as a default on the agent, so the
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler determines the PeopleSoft Server that will run the job.

Attributes with Default Values
Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definition. Therefore,
you do not have to specify those attributes in the definition. Your agent administrator
can define some default values on the agent in the agentparm.txt file.
If you specify the attribute in a job definition, it overrides the default.

The following PeopleSoft job attributes have default values:
Specifies the type of format for the report output.
Default: ps.default.outDestFormat agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the output destination type for the PeopleSoft report.
Default: ps.default.outDestType agent parameter, if specified
 Attributes with Default Values

400 User Guide

Specifies whether to email job logs with the PeopleSoft report to recipients on a
distribution list.
Default: No (Job logs are not emailed to recipients.)
Specifies whether to email a web report to recipients on a distribution list.
Default: No (A web report is not emailed to recipients.)

Specifies the operator ID under whose authority the PeopleSoft reports run.
Default: ps.default.oprId agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the output destination for the PeopleSoft request. The destination can be
a file directory or a printer.
Default: If ps_dest_type is PRINTER, the default is one of the following, in the
following order:
■ ps.default.printer parameter in the agent's agentparm.txt file, if specified
■ The default PeopleSoft printer, lpt1

Specifies whether to disable a restart feature for previously failed jobs from the
point where the job failed.
Default: No (The restart feature is not disabled.)
Specifies a set of PeopleSoft run parameters for a given PeopleSoft process.
Default: ps.default.runCntlId agent parameter, if specified
Note: All PeopleSoft jobs require a run control ID. If you do not specify this attribute
in the job definition, a default run control ID must be defined in the
ps.default.runCntlId parameter in the agent's agentparm.txt file. Otherwise, the job
 Mapping of PeopleSoft Fields to Job Attributes

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs 401

Specifies the target server that runs the PeopleSoft job.
Default: ps.default.serverName
Note: If the PeopleSoft Server is not specified as a default on the agent or in the job
definition, the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler determines the PeopleSoft Server that
will run the job.
Specifies whether you want the agent to update job parameters with data in the
Default: NO (The agent updates job parameters with data in the PS_PRCSDEFN
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide.

Example: Specify a Run Control ID and a Server Name
This example overrides the default run control ID using the ps_run_cntrl_id attribute
and server name using the ps_server_name attribute. The job uses the Application
Engine process type. The job uses the default output destination format and type
defined on the agent. The job overrides the default operator ID using the
ps_operator_id attribute.
insert_job: ps_cst
job_type: ps
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: PAYROLL
ps_server_name: PSPR
ps_process_type: Application Engine
ps_run_cntrl_id: PS_ALL
ps_operator_id: vp1@ps1
Mapping of PeopleSoft Fields to Job Attributes
When you define a PeopleSoft job, you specify JIL attributes that map to your
PeopleSoft process request. The following table maps the PeopleSoft fields to the

PeopleSoft Field Name Attribute Name
Format ps_dest_format
Type ps_dest_type Mapping of PeopleSoft Fields to Job Attributes

402 User Guide

PeopleSoft Field Name Attribute Name
Folder Name ps_detail_folder
ID Type (Role selected)
Distribution ID
ID Type (User selected)
Distribution ID
Email Address List ps_email_address
Email With Log ps_email_log
Email Subject ps_email_subject
Message Text ps_email_text
Email Web Report ps_email_web_report
Output Destination ps_output_dest
Process Name ps_process_name
Process Type ps_process_type
Run Control Arguments ps_run_cntrl_args
Run Control ID ps_run_cntrl_id
Run Control Table ps_run_control_table
Server Name ps_server_name
Time Zone ps_time_zone
 Distribute a PeopleSoft Report

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs 403

Distribute a PeopleSoft Report
If you specify EMAIL as the output destination type (ps_dest_type), you can distribute a
PeopleSoft report electronically to operators, groups of people, or individuals.
Follow these steps:
1. Define a PeopleSoft job (see page 397).
2. Add the following attributes to the job definition:
ps_dest_type: EMAIL
Sends the output of the PeopleSoft report as an email message. This attribute
corresponds to the Type field in PeopleSoft.
Specifies the field name of the output destination format. PeopleSoft stores the
list of output destination formats in the PSXLATITEM table. This value
corresponds to the Format field in PeopleSoft.

3. Add one or both of the following attributes:
Specifies a distribution list of the roles that represent the individuals who are
receiving the PeopleSoft report. This value corresponds to the ID Type field
(with Role selected) and the Distribution ID field in PeopleSoft.
Specifies a distribution list of operator IDs to send a PeopleSoft report to. This
value corresponds to the ID Type field (with User selected) and the Distribution
ID field in PeopleSoft.

4. (Optional) Add the following attributes:
Specifies the email addresses of the recipients on a distribution list. This value
corresponds to the Email Address List field in PeopleSoft.
Defines an email subject to include in the email. This value corresponds to the
Email Subject field in PeopleSoft.
Defines the body text of the email. This value corresponds to the Message Text
field in PeopleSoft.
 Distribute a PeopleSoft Report

404 User Guide

5. Run the job.
The PeopleSoft report is sent to the specified distribution lists and email addresses.
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide.
Example: Distribute a Report to Users
This example runs a Crystal report under the VP3 operator ID. The report is formatted as
PDF and distributed in an email to the VP1, VP2, and VP3 operator IDs.
insert_job: ps_users
job_type: PS
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: XRFWIN
ps_process_type: Crystal
ps_dest_type: EMAIL
ps_dest_format: PDF
ps_dlist_users: VP1,VP2,VP3
ps_operator_id: VP3@ps1
ps_run_cntrl_id: test
Example: Email a PeopleSoft Report
This example runs a Crystal report and emails the output to recipients. The Crystal
report runs under the VP2 operator ID. The output is sent to the email addresses
specified in the ps_email_address attribute. The email includes a subject title.
insert_job: ps_email
job_type: PS
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: XRFWIN
ps_process_type: Crystal
ps_dest_type: EMAIL
ps_dest_format: PDF
ps_operator_id: VP2@ps1
ps_email_subject: PeopleSoft Report Status
ps_email_text: This report is available for distribution. Store the Output of a PeopleSoft Job as a Web Report

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs 405

Store the Output of a PeopleSoft Job as a Web Report
You can define a PeopleSoft job to run a process and store the output as a web report to
view later. You can also define the job to email the web report to one or more
Follow these steps:
1. Define a PeopleSoft job (see page 397).
2. Add the following attributes to the job definition:
ps_dest_type: WEB
Posts the output of the PeopleSoft report on a website. This attribute
corresponds to the Type field in PeopleSoft.

Specifies the field name of the output destination format. PeopleSoft stores the
list of output destination formats in the PSXLATITEM table. This value
corresponds to the Format field in PeopleSoft.

3. (Optional) Add the following attributes:
ps_email_web_report: YES
Specifies that the job emails a web report to the recipients on the distribution
list. This attribute corresponds to the Email Web Report field in PeopleSoft.

Specifies the email addresses of the recipients on a distribution list. This value
corresponds to the Email Address List field in PeopleSoft.

Defines an email subject to include in the email. This value corresponds to the
Email Subject field in PeopleSoft.

Defines the body text of the email. This value corresponds to the Message Text
field in PeopleSoft.

4. Run the job.
The output of the PeopleSoft job is stored as a web report. The job emails the web
report to recipients if the email attributes are specified.
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide.
 Store the Output of a PeopleSoft Job as a Web Report

406 User Guide

Example: Format a PeopleSoft Job Output as an HTML Web Report
This example runs the XRFWIN process. The process type is SQR Report and the run
control ID is PS_ALL. The server named PSPR runs the job, and the output is stored as an
HTML web report.
insert_job: ps_htmfile
job_type: ps
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: XRFWIN
ps_process_type: SQR Report
ps_server_name: PSPR
ps_dest_type: WEB
ps_dest_format: HTM
ps_run_cntrl_id: PS_ALL
Example: Distribute a PeopleSoft Web Report in an Email
This example stores the output as a PDF web report. The web report is sent to the email
addresses specified in the ps_email_address attribute. The email includes a subject title
and body text.
insert_job: ps_web
job_type: PS
machine: psagt
ps_process_name: XRFWIN
ps_process_type: Crystal
ps_dest_type: WEB
ps_dest_format: PDF
ps_operator_id: VP2@ps1
ps_email_web_report: YES
ps_email_subject: PeopleSoft Report Status
ps_email_text: This report is available for distribution. Send the Output of a PeopleSoft Job to a Printer

Chapter 16: PeopleSoft Jobs 407

Send the Output of a PeopleSoft Job to a Printer
You can define a PeopleSoft job to run a process and send the output to a printer.
Follow these steps:
1. Define a PeopleSoft job (see page 397).
2. Add the following attributes to the job definition:
ps_dest_type: PRINTER
Sends the output of the PeopleSoft report to a printer. This attribute
corresponds to the Type field in PeopleSoft.
Specifies the network location of the printer including the printer server and
shared printer name. This value corresponds to the Output Destination field in

3. Run the job.
The output of the PeopleSoft job is sent to a printer.
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide.

Example: Send a Job's Output to a Specified Printer
This example runs an SQR Report. The report is formatted as PS and outputted to a
insert_job: ps_printer
job_type: ps
machine: psagent
ps_process_name: XRFWIN
ps_process_type: SQR Report
ps_dest_type: PRINTER
ps_dest_format: PS
ps_output_dest: \\printers\PRINTER1
ps_run_cntrl_id: test
ps_operator_id: VP1@ps1

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