Thursday, 8 October 2015

Chapter 26: Working with Resources

Chapter 26: Working with Resources 

Real Resources 
Real resources are system conditions that are directly tied to a physical system (for 
example, physical memory). Real resources are predefined to CA Workload Automation 
AE and are managed by external resource managers such as CA Automation Suite for 
Data Centers. You cannot define or update real resources using CA Workload 
Automation AE. If the required resources are not available, the job goes into a RESWAIT 
state and is not submitted until the resources are available. 
You can specify real resources as dependencies to jobs. A job with resource 
dependencies is submitted only when the resources required are available. If the 
required resources are not available, the job goes into a RESWAIT state and is not 
submitted until the resources are available. 
You can specify the following supported real resource types as dependencies: 
Defines the percentage of time over the sample period that the system's CPUs were 
Example: (CPU_IDLE_PCT, VALUE=50, VALUEOP=GT) indicates that the system's 
CPUs were idle for at least 50% of the sample period. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: cpuTotalIdlePercent 
 Real Resources 

Defines the load average in the last 15 minutes. 
Example: (CPU_LOAD_AVG_15MIN, VALUE=50, VALUEOP=LT) indicates that the 
load average was less than 50 in the last 15 minutes. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: loadAverage15Min 
Defines the load average in the last 5 minutes. 
Example: (CPU_LOAD_AVG_5MIN, VALUE=50, VALUEOP=LT) indicates that the load 
average was less than 50 in hte last 5 minutes. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: loadAverage5Min 
Defines the percentage of the system’s active memory that is in use. 
Example: (MEM_INUSE_PCT, VALUE=30, VALUEOP=LTE) indicates that 30% or less 
of the system's active memory is in use.
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: memCapacity 
Defines the percentage of the system’s total swap that is in use. 
Example: (SWAP_INUSE_PCT, VALUE=60, VALUEOP=LT) indicates that less than 60% 
of the system's total swap is in use. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: swapCapacity 
Defines the total swap space (in KB). 
Example: (SWAP_SPACE_TOTAL, VALUE=10240, VALUEOP=GTE) indicates that the 
total swap space is 10240 KB or more. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: totalSwapSpace 
Defines the total number of CPUs that the job requires. 
Example: (SYSTEM_CPU_COUNT, VALUEOP=EQ, VALUE=2) indicates that the job 
requires a machine with 2 CPUs. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: Number of CPUs 
Defines the system clock speed (in MHz) the job requires. 
Example: (SYSTEM_CPU_SPEED, VALUEOP=EQ, VALUE=100) indicates that the job 
requires a machine with clock speed of 100MHz. 
Corresponding metric in the CA ACM agent: CPU Speed 
 Real Resources 
Specifies the operating system name and version number that the job requires. 
that the job requires a machine with an AIX 5.3 operating system. 
Corresponding metrics in the CA SystemEDGE agent: OS Type/OS Version 
Defines the total amount of available physical memory (in MB) that the job 
Example: (SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, VALUEOP=GTE, VALUE=200) indicates that 
the job requires a machine with at least 200 MB of physical memory. 
Corresponding metric in the CA SystemEDGE agent: Physical Memory 
Specifies the software and version number that the job requires. 
Example: (SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_NAME, VALUEOP=EQ, VALUE=Adaptive Enterprise 
Server Sybase, VERSION=15.0) indicates that the job requires a machine that has 
Adaptive Enterprise Server Sybase 15.0 installed. 
Corresponding metrics in the CA ACM agent: SOFTWARE_NAME/VERSION 
The previous examples show the syntax for specifying the resource value in a real 
resource dependency definition. 
■ To use real resource dependencies, you must do the following: 
■ Install and configure the CA Automation Suite for Data Centers SDK clients on 
the CA Workload Automation AE scheduler and application server machines. 
■ Install the CA Automation Suite for Data Centers agents (CA SysEdge and CA 
ACM agents) on all agent machines that utilize real resources for load 
balancing. You must install the CA ACM agent only if you want to utilize 
■ For more information about configuring CA Workload Automation AE to work with 
CA Automation Suite for Data Centers, see the UNIX Implementation Guide or 
Windows Implementation Guide. 
Virtual Resources 
Virtual resources can help you control job execution and can improve your 
environment's performance. They represent values that can be quantified, but they are 
not directly tied to a physical system. CA Workload Automation AE does not check 
whether a virtual resource is an actual device that exists or whether it is a device that is 
being used by another process. 
You can use virtual resources to prevent jobs from running simultaneously and ensure 
that a job is submitted only when the minimum number of resources is available. For 
example, you can define a virtual resource to represent the maximum number of 
floating product licenses available in your enterprise. Each time a qualified job runs, a 
unit of that resource is used. When all the units are used, no more jobs can run. 
You can define the following types of virtual resources on CA Workload Automation AE: 
■ Depletable 
■ Renewable 
■ Threshold 
A virtual resource can be defined for a specific machine, or it can be defined at the 
global level. A resource defined for a specific machine is available to jobs submitted to 
that machine. A resource may be defined to more than one specific machine. A resource 
at the global level is available to all machines controlled by CA Workload Automation 
AE. Global resources can help control workload balancing across all machines. 
Note: You can define resources for distributed machines only. Before you can define a 
resource on a machine, the machine must already be defined on the database. 
You can specify virtual resources as dependencies to jobs. A job with resource 
dependencies is submitted only when the resources required are available. If the 
required resources are not available, the job goes into a RESWAIT state and is not 
submitted until the resources are available. 
Virtual resources are associated with corresponding resource pools. When jobs with 
virtual resource dependencies run, the used resources are temporarily or permanently 
removed from the resource pool, depending on the virtual resource type. 
CA Workload Automation AE is the resource manager for virtual resources. 
 Virtual Resources 
■ When you force start a job in FAILURE or TERMINATED status that has a virtual 
resource dependency with free=Y or free=N and has not released the virtual 
resources, the FORCE_STARTJOB event verifies if the job's current status is FAILURE 
or TERMINATED and schedules the job using the already held virtual resources. 
Before force starting the job, the scheduler does not re-evaluate other resource 
dependencies. For more information about the FORCE_STARTJOB event, see the 
Reference Guide. 
■ When you update a job, you cannot update the resources attribute in the existing 
job definition if the job has a resource dependency and has held the resource. 
■ Virtual resources are secured using CA EEM (external security mode). The native 
security in CA Workload Automation AE does not secure virtual resources. For more 
information about securing virtual resources using CA EEM, see the Security Guide. 
Depletable Resources 
A depletable resource is a consumed resource. When a job that uses this resource is 
submitted, the used resource units are permanently removed from the resource pool. 
When the resource is completely depleted or jobs require more units than what is 
currently available, jobs that need it go into a RESWAIT state and are not submitted until 
the resource is available. You can manually replenish the resource using the 
update_resource JIL subcommand. After the resource is replenished, other jobs can use 
Depletable resources are helpful when you want to represent values that have a limit, 
such as the maximum times to run a job. Depletable resources are also helpful when 
you want to control how many times a job can run in a specified time period. 
Example: Run a Job Only Once a Day 
Suppose that a bank wants to post daily transactions to its master database only once a 
day at midnight to ensure data integrity and system performance. To run this critical job 
only once a day, you can do the following: 
1. Define a depletable resource with an amount of 1, as follows: 
insert_resource: depletable1 
res_type: D 
machine: hostname 
amount: 1 Virtual Resources 
2. Define the critical job with the following conditions: 
■ The job requires one unit of the depletable resource before it can start. 
■ The job is scheduled to start at midnight. 
The job is defined as follows: 
insert_job: ResDepJob 
job_type: CMD 
command: /tmp/DBIntensiveApp 
machine: hostname 
owner: root@hostname 
resources: (depletable1,QUANTITY=1) 
When the job is submitted, one unit of the resource is permanently removed from the 
resource pool. If the job fails, CA Workload Automation AE restarts the job (based on 
the n_retrys attribute), but the job goes into RESWAIT state because no units of the 
resource are available. The RESWAIT state indicates that a potential problem occurred. 
You must run the job must manually. 
Note: To add additional resources to a depletable resource, use the update_resource 
subcommand. For example, the following command adds 15 units to the depletable1 
update_resource: depletable1 
machine: hostname 
amount: 15 
Renewable Resources 
A renewable resource is a borrowed resource. When a job that uses this resource is 
submitted, the used resource units are temporarily removed from the resource pool. 
When the job completes, the resource units are returned to the pool, or the units are 
held until they are manually released back to the pool. Renewable resources are helpful 
when you want to control jobs that run concurrently or serially. 
When the resource is being used, other jobs that need more units than what is currently 
available go into a RESWAIT state and are not submitted until the resource is available. 
You can change the amount of resource units available using the update_resource JIL 
subcommand. After the amount is changed, a greater number of jobs that need the 
resource can run concurrently. 
 Virtual Resources 
Example: Control the Maximum Number of Licenses Used 
Suppose that your enterprise has 10 floating licenses for a program. Multiple licenses 
can be used on one machine, or they can be used on up to 10 machines. At any time, 
you want to ensure that the maximum number of licenses used is 10. To control the 
maximum number of licenses being used, you can do the following: 
1. Define a renewable resource at the global level with an amount of 10, as follows: 
insert_resource: r1 
res_type: R 
amount: 10 
2. Define each job that requires the license with the following conditions: 
■ The job requires one unit of the renewable resource before it can start. 
■ The job frees the renewable resource whether it completes successfully or not. 
The job is defined as follows: 
insert_job: jr1 
command: sleep 500 
machine: hostname 
resources: (r1,quantity=1, FREE=A) 
When a job is submitted, one unit of the resource is temporarily removed from the 
resource pool. Because there are only 10 units, only 10 of these jobs can run 
simultaneously on any machine in the enterprise. Other jobs that require a license 
cannot be submitted because no resources are available. When a job that is running 
completes, one unit of the resource is returned to the resource pool. Another job can be 
submitted because a unit is now available. 
Threshold Resources 
A threshold resource is a sizing resource. For example, if the threshold resource is set to 
2, CA Workload Automation AE submits the jobs that require 2 or fewer units. Threshold 
resources are helpful when you want to define a boundary that controls which jobs are 
submitted to run. The used resource units are not removed from the resource pool. 
A job that has a dependency on a threshold resource is only submitted if it requires the 
available resource units or fewer. Otherwise, the job goes into a RESWAIT state and is 
not submitted until the threshold amount is increased. You can change the threshold 
amount using the update_resource JIL subcommand. After the amount is changed, the 
jobs that meet the threshold can run. 
Example: Prevent Jobs from Running When a Critical Resource is Offline 
Suppose that multiple jobs read and write to a disk on a machine named mach1. When 
the disk needs to be formatted, you want the jobs to stop running. To prevent the jobs 
from running when the disk is offline, you can do the following: 
1. Define a threshold resource on the mach1 machine with an amount of 1, as follows: 
insert_resource: t1 
machine: mach1 
res_type: T 
amount: 1 
2. Define each job that reads and writes to the disk and requires one unit of the 
threshold resource before it can start, as follows: 
insert_job: jt1 
command: readnadwritetodisk 
machine: mach1 
resources: (t1, quantity=1) 
3. Define a job named TRIGGER_JOB that resets the threshold amount to 0 to indicate 
that the disk is offline. The trigger job runs the update_resource command as 
update_resource: t1 
machine: mach1 
amount: 0 
When the disk is online, the threshold resource amount is 1, so all jobs that need to 
read and write to the disk are submitted (the jobs meet the threshold requirement). 
When the disk needs to be formatted, you can run TRIGGER_JOB, which resets the 
threshold resource amount to 0. All the jobs that need to read and write to the disk go 
into a RESWAIT state and are not submitted until the threshold is set to 1. 
Define a Virtual Resource 
To use virtual resource dependencies in your jobs, you must first add the virtual 
resource definition to the database. You can define virtual resources on distributed 
machines only. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Do one of the following: 
■ Issue JIL in interactive mode. 
■ Open a JIL script in a text editor. 
2. Specify the following subcommand and attributes: 
insert_resource: resource_name 
Specifies the virtual resource to be defined. 
Defines the number of units to assign to the virtual resource. 
Specifies the virtual resource type (D for depletable, R for renewable, or T for 
3. Specify the following additional attribute if you want to define the resource for a 
Specifies the name of the machine to define the virtual resource for. The 
machine must already be defined on the database, and the type of the machine 
cannot be v, w, or p. 
Note: If you do not specify the machine attribute, the resource will be available to 
all machines (global level resource). 
4. (Optional) Specify the following additional attribute: 
Defines a free-form text description of the virtual resource. 
5. Do one of the following: 
■ Enter exit if you are using interactive mode. 
■ Redirect the script to the jil command if you are using a script. 
The insert_resource subcommand is issued and the specified virtual resource is 
■ The virtual resource name must be unique across all resource types. 
■ You cannot define the same virtual resource at the machine level and global level. 
■ You can define the same virtual resource on multiple machines. 
■ For more information about the syntax for the insert_resource subcommand and 
related attributes, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Define a Global Depletable Resource 
This example defines a virtual depletable resource named glob_res. The machine 
attribute is not specified, so the resource is available to all machines. 
insert_resource: glob_res 
res_type: D 
amount: 50 
description: "This resource is permanently consumed." 
Example: Define a Machine-Level Threshold Resource 
This example defines a threshold resource for the unixagent machine. The resource is 
assigned 10 units, so only jobs that require 10 or fewer units of this resource are 
submitted to the unixagent machine. 
insert_resource: threshold_res 
res_type: T 
machine: unixagent 
amount: 10 Update a Virtual Resource 
Update a Virtual Resource 
You can update the amount and description properties of a virtual resource definition in 
the database. Updating the resource amount is helpful when you want to change the 
number of jobs that can run concurrently or serially. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Do one of the following: 
■ Issue JIL in interactive mode. 
■ Open a JIL script in a text editor. 
2. Specify the following subcommand: 
update_resource: resource_name 
Specifies the virtual resource to be updated. This resource must be defined in 
the database. 
3. Specify the following additional attribute if the resource is defined for a machine: 
Identifies the name of the machine that the virtual resource is defined for. 
Note: If you do not specify the machine attribute, CA Workload Automation AE 
assumes the resource is a global resource. If the resource is machine-level, but the 
machine attribute is not specified, you will get an error. 
4. (Optional) Specify the following additional attributes: 
Defines the number of units to assign to the virtual resource. The number can 
be an absolute value or a relative value. 
Defines a free-form text description of the virtual resource. 
5. Do one of the following: 
■ Enter exit if you are using interactive mode. 
■ Redirect the script to the jil command if you are using a script. 
The update_resource subcommand is issued and the specified virtual resource is 
■ You cannot update resource types or machine names using the update_resource 
subcommand. To update resource types or machine names, you must delete the 
resource and add it to database again with the new properties. 
■ For more information about the syntax for the update_resource subcommand and 
related attributes, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Update a Machine-Level Virtual Resource 
This example updates a virtual resource that is associated with the unixagent machine. 
The number of units is changed to 35. 
update_resource: mach_res 
machine: unixagent 
amount: 35 
Suppose that the amount attribute is defined as follows: 
amount: +20 
In this situation, the command adds 20 units to the available resource count. For 
example, if the resource already has 35 units, the command adds 20 units and the total 
would be 55. 
Similarly, suppose that the amount attribute is defined as follows: 
amount: -20 
If the resource has 35 units, the command removes 20 units and the total would be 15. 
Delete a Virtual Resource 
You can delete a virtual resource that you no longer use. 
Note: You cannot delete a virtual resource if it is referenced as a dependency in a job. 
To delete the resource, you must delete all the related job dependencies first. If a 
resource is deleted while a job that references it as a dependency is active or running, 
the job continues to run and is not affected. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Do one of the following: 
■ Issue JIL in interactive mode. 
■ Open a JIL script in a text editor. 
2. Specify the following subcommand: 
delete_resource: resource_name 
Specifies the virtual resource that you want to delete. 
3. Specify the following additional attribute if the resource is defined for a machine: 
Identifies the name of the machine that the virtual resource is defined for. 
Note: If you do not specify the machine attribute, CA Workload Automation AE 
assumes the resource is a global resource. If the resource is machine-level, but the 
machine attribute is not specified, you will get an error. 
4. Do one of the following: 
■ Enter exit if you are using interactive mode. 
■ Redirect the script to the jil command if you are using a script. 
The delete_resource subcommand is issued and the specified virtual resource is 
Note: For more information about the syntax for the delete_resource subcommand and 
related attributes, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Delete a Global Virtual Resource 
This example deletes the global virtual resource named glob_resource. 
delete_resource: glob_resource Define Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies in a Job 
Define Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies in a Job 
You can define a job to have dependencies on real and virtual resources. A job with 
resource dependencies is submitted only when the resources required are available. 
Using resource dependencies can help you control job execution and improve your 
environment's performance. 
Note: You cannot define a resource dependency on a box. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Insert a job and add the following attribute to the job definition: 
Defines one or more real and virtual resource dependencies. 
Note: To define a virtual resource dependency, the virtual resource must 
already be defined on the database. 
2. (Optional) Add the following attribute: 
Defines the queue priority of the job. The queue priority establishes the 
relative priority of all jobs queued for a given machine. A lower number 
indicates a higher priority. Jobs with a higher priority get the required 
resources first and run before lower priority jobs. 
3. Run the job. 
The job is defined with the specified resource dependencies. The job is submitted 
when the required resources are available. 
Note: For detailed information about the syntax for the resources and priority 
attributes, see the Reference Guide. 
 Define Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies in a Job 
Example: Define a Virtual Resource Dependency that Does Not Free the Resources 
After Job Completion 
This example defines a Command job that has a dependency on a virtual renewable 
resource. Before the job can start running, it needs all the units of the renew_res 
insert_job: no_free_job 
job_type: CMD 
machine: unixagent 
command: /u1/ 
resources: (renew_res, QUANTITY=ALL, free=N) 
After the job completes, the units of the renew_res resource are not freed from the job. 
To return the units back to the available resource pool, you must issue the following 
sendevent -E RELEASE_RESOURCE -J no_free_job 
Suppose that the job is defined with the following attribute: 
resources: (renew_res, QUANTITY=5, free=Y) 
If the job completes successfully, the resource is added back to the resource pool. This is 
the default behavior. 
Suppose that the job is defined with the following attribute: 
resources: (renew_res, QUANTITY=5, free=A) 
The resource is released back to the pool unconditionally. 
Example: Define Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies 
This example defines a Command job that has real and virtual resource dependencies. 
Before the job can start running, it needs a machine that satisfies all the following 
■ 1 unit of the depletable resource named D1 
■ 3 units of the threshold resource named T1 
■ 4 units of the renewable resource named R1 
■ SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_MEMORY is greater than 2 GB 
insert_job: res_dep_job 
job_type: CMD 
machine: unixagent 
command: /u1/ 
resources: (D1, QUANTITY=1) AND (T1, QUANTITY=3) AND 
Update Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies in a Job 
You can update the real and virtual resource dependencies defined in a job. 
Follow these steps: 
1. Do one of the following: 
■ Issue JIL in interactive mode. 
■ Open a JIL script in a text editor. 
2. Specify the following subcommand and attribute: 
update_job: job_name 
Specifies the job to update. 
Specifies one or more real and virtual resource dependencies to update. 
 Update Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies in a Job 
3. Do one of the following: 
■ Enter exit if you are using interactive mode. 
■ Redirect the script to the jil command if you are using a script. 
The update_job subcommand is issued and the specified real and virtual resource 
dependencies are updated. 
Note: For detailed information about the syntax for the resources attribute, see the 
Reference Guide. 
Example: Update Real and Virtual Resource Dependencies 
This example updates the real and virtual resources in the proc_daily job. RENEW3 
virtual resource dependency does not have the free keyword defined, so the resource 
units are freed if the job completes successfully (the default). 
update_job: proc_daily 
VALUEOP=GT, VALUE=2) Release Renewable Resources 
Release Renewable Resources 
When you define a job to have a virtual renewable resource dependency, you can 
specify whether the units of the resource are freed after the job completes. If the units 
are not freed, you can manually release them back to the resource pool so that other 
jobs can use them. 
To manually release renewable resources, enter the following command at the UNIX 
operating system prompt or the Windows instance command prompt: 
sendevent -E RELEASE_RESOURCE -J job_name 
Specifies the job that you want to release the renewable resources from. 
The sendevent command is issued and the resources are released from the job. 
Note: For more information about the sendevent command, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Release Renewable Resources 
Suppose that you defined a virtual renewable resource named ren1 that has two units. 
JobA and JobB are also defined with a dependency on ren1. Each job requires one unit 
of ren1 before it can run. The jobs release the resource units only if they complete 
When the jobs are submitted, the required units are temporarily removed from the 
resource pool. Suppose that JobA completes successfully and JobB fails. JobA returns 
one unit of resource to the resource pool. The other unit used by JobB is held, so the 
resource pool only has one unit. Other jobs that require more than one unit go into a 
RESWAIT state until the required units are available. 
The following command manually releases the one unit of resource held by JobB so that 
other jobs can use it: 
sendevent -E RELEASE_RESOURCE -J JobB Generate a Report on Current Resource Definitions 
Generate a Report on Current Resource Definitions 
You can generate a report that displays the current resource definitions in a database. 
Generating a report is helpful when you want to determine the properties of a resource 
and the values that can be specified when defining resource dependencies in jobs. 
To generate a report on the current resource definitions, enter the following command 
at the UNIX operating system prompt or the Windows instance command prompt: 
autorep –V resource_name -q 
Specifies the virtual resource definition that you want to generate a report on. You 
can use wildcard characters. 
The autorep command is issued and the report is generated. 
Note: For more information about the autorep command, see the Reference Guide. 
Generate a Report to Display a Job's Resource Dependencies 
You can generate a report that displays a job's current definition, including its resource 
To generate a report to display a job's resource dependencies, enter the following 
command at the UNIX operating system prompt or the Windows instance command 
autorep –J job_name -q 
Specifies the job that you want to generate a report for. 
The autorep command is issued and the report is generated. The job's resource 
dependencies are included in the report. 
Note: For more information about the autorep command, see the Reference Guide. 
Generate a Report to Monitor Virtual Resource Usage 
You can generate a report that monitors virtual resource usage. This report is helpful 
when you want to check how many units a virtual resource has defined, how many units 
are currently available, and which machines are using the resource during run time. 
Note: The detail report (-d option) only displays the jobs that are currently using the 
To generate a report to monitor virtual resource usage, enter one of the following 
commands at the UNIX operating system prompt or the Windows instance command 
■ To generate a summary report: 
autorep –V resource_name -s 
■ To generate a summary report and detail report: 
autorep –V resource_name -d [-M machine_name] 
-V resource_name 
Specifies the virtual resource definition that you want to generate a report for. You 
can use wildcard characters. 
Note: You can specify ALL to generate a report on all resource definitions. 
Generates a summary report. 
Generates a summary report and detail report. 
[-M machine_name] 
(Optional) Filters the detail report to display only the specified machine. You can 
use wildcard characters to match machine names. 
Default: ALL (If you do not specify the -M option, the report displays all machines 
that are using the resource.) 
The autorep command is issued and the report is generated. 
Note: For more information about the autorep command, see the Reference Guide. 
 Generate a Report to Monitor Virtual Resource Usage 
Example: Generate a Summary Report for a Global Virtual Resource 
This example generates a summary report for the virtual resource named ren1. The 
resource is global, so it is available to all machines. 
autorep -V ren1 -s 
The report displays the following information: 
Name Machine Defined Available 
---- ------- ------- --------- 
ren1 -- 4 1 
The resource has a total of 4 units defined. It has 1 unit available, so 3 units are 
currently being used by jobs. 
Example: Generate Summary and Detail Reports for a Global Virtual Resource 
This example generates a summary report and a detail report for the ren1 virtual 
resource. The resource is global, so it is available to all machines. 
autorep -V ren1 -d 
The resulting report might resemble the following: 
Resource Name Type Machine Defined Available 
___________________________ ___________ _____________________ _______ _________ 
ren1 V --- 4 1 
/**** Current Resource Usage ****/ 
ResName JobName Run/Ntry Status Machine Amount in Use 
__________________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _____________ 
ren1 job1 1/1 RUNNING machine1 1 
ren1 job2 1/1 RUNNING machine2 2 
The -M option is not specified in the command, so the report displays all the jobs that 
are currently using the resource. 
Example: Generate Summary and Detail Resource Reports for Individual Machines 
Suppose that the virtual renewable resource named res_count is defined on three 
different machines (amachine1, machine2, and bmachine3). This example generates a 
summary report and a detail report for the res_count resource. 
autorep -V res_count -d -M amachine* 
The report displays the following information: 
Name Machine Defined Available 
---- ------- ------- --------- 
res_count amachine1 4 0 
res_count amachine2 3 1 
/**** Current Resource Usage ****/ 
ResName JobName Run/Ntry Status Machine Amount in Use 
------- ------- -------- ------ ------- ------------- 
res_count Job1 1/1 RUNNING amachine1 4 
res_count Job2 2/1 RUNNING amachine2 2 
The report displays the jobs that are currently running. The -M option is specified with a 
wildcard, so the report only displays the jobs on the machines whose names match the 
-M value. 
You can generate a report that monitors virtual resource dependencies. This report is 
helpful when you want to check which resources a job depends on and which of the 
resource dependencies are satisfied. 
To generate a report to monitor virtual resource dependencies, enter the following 
commands at the UNIX operating system prompt or the Windows instance command 
job_depends -J job_name -r 
Specifies the job that you want to generate a dependency report for. 
The job_depends command is issued and the report is generated. 
Note: For more information about the job_depends command, see the Reference Guide. 
Example: Generate a Report on Virtual Resource Dependencies 
Suppose that you define three virtual resources (dep1, ren1, and thr1). The resources 
are global, so they are available to all machines. 
insert_resource: dep1 
res_type: D 
amount: 0 
insert_resource: ren1 
res_type: R 
amount: 0 
insert_resource: thr1 
res_type: T 
amount: 1 
You also define a job named job1 that belongs to a machine group that includes the M1 
and M2 machines. job1 depends on all three virtual resources. 
insert_job: job1 
job_type: CMD 
command: &sleep 500 
machine: machineGroup1 /* This machine group includes machines M1 and M2. */ 
resources: (ren1, QUANTITY=1, FREE=A) AND (dep1, QUANTITY= 1) AND (thr1, QUANTITY= 
The following command generates a report on job1's resource dependencies on the M1 
and M2 machines: 
job_depends -J job1 -r 
The report displays the following information: 
Job Name Machine 
-------- ---------- 
job1 M1 
 Virtual Resources 
Resource Type Amount Satisfied? 
-------- ---- ---- ---------- 
ren1 R 1 NO 
dep1 D 1 NO 
thr1 T 1 YES
Job Name Machine 
-------- ------- 
job1 M2 
 Virtual Resources 
Resource Type Amount Satisfied? 
-------- ---- ---- ---------- 
ren1 R 1 NO 
dep1 D 1 NO 
thr1 T 1 YES 
Example: Generate a Report on Virtual and Real Resource Dependencies 
Suppose that you define a job with virtual and real resource dependencies as follows: 
insert_job: jobA 
job_type: CMD 
command: &sleep 500 
machine: M1 /* This is an AIX machine */ 
resources: (ren1, QUANTITY=1, FREE=A) AND (thr1, QUANTITY= 1) AND (SYSTEM_OS_TYPE, 
The following command generates a report on job1's resource dependencies on the M1 
job_depends -J job1 -r 
The report displays the following information: 
Job Name Machine 
-------- ---------- 
jobA M1 
 Virtual Resources 
Resource Type Amount Satisfied? 
-------- ---- ------ ---------- 
ren1 R 1 NO 
thr1 T 1 YES 
Real Resources 
Resource Satisfied? 
----------- ----------- 
Note: If the SysEdge agent is not available (that is, it is not installed or not running) on 
the machine M1, all the real resources dependencies are disqualified although they 
satisfy the resource dependency criterion. In this example, if the SysEdge agent is not 
running, the Satisfied field displays "NO”. 

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