Chapter 23: Web Services Jobs
Web Service Jobs
The term web service describes a standardized method for exchanging data between
applications and systems. Web services use XML to code and decode the data and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to transfer it.
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language that describes a
web service and how to access it. A WSDL document specifies the location of the service
and the operations the service exposes.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is an XML-based registry for
businesses to list their available web services on the Internet. You can use the UDDI to
access the WSDL.
Web services provide access to applications written in Java and Microsoft©
.NET. A web
service lets you invoke operations such as currency conversion, stock exchange quotes,
or product pricing. In an enterprise workload automation environment, a web service
might be used to invoke a business process such as posting accounts payable to the
General Ledger. Some scheduling manager functions are also available as web services.
The following are the web service job types:
Web Service RPC/Encoded
Lets you call an operation within a web service and pass parameters to the
operation using RPC/encoded style binding. The parameters can be actual values or
a serialized Java object passed by another job.
Web Service Document/Literal
Lets you call an operation within a web service and pass parameters to the
operation using document/literal style binding. The parameters represent a
flattened view of the XML document the agent constructs. The values passed into
the XML document can be literal values or a serialized Java object passed by
another job.
Define a Web Service Document/Literal Job
When the job invokes the web service, the parameters are passed to the operation. The
job's output is stored by default as a serialized Java object in the job's spool directory.
You can also specify a destination file for the output.
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, or Windows
and CA WA Agent for Web Services.
The following diagram shows the functional relationship between the scheduling
manager, CA WA Agent for Web Services, and a web service residing on a web server:
Note: If your company has a firewall and you must communicate through a proxy server
to access a computer outside the firewall, agent configuration is required. For more
information on configuring the agent for a proxy, see the CA Workload Automation
Agent for Web Services Implementation Guide.
Web Service Document/Literal lets you call an operation within a web service and pass
parameters to the operation using document/literal style binding. The parameters
represent a flattened view of the XML document the agent constructs.
Follow these steps:
1. Insert a job and specify the following attributes in the definition:
job_type: WSDOC
Specifies that the job type is Web Service Document/Literal.
Specifies the name of the machine on which the job runs.
Specifies the target endpoint address URL.
Specifies the WSDL port name.
Specifies the web service name.
Define a Web Service Document/Literal Job
Specifies the operation to be invoked.
Specifies the URL to the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) of the web
service to invoke.
2. (Optional) Specify optional Web Service Document/Literal attributes.
■ destination_file
■ job_class
■ job_criteria
■ ws_authentication_order
■ ws_conn_domain
■ ws_conn_origin
■ ws_conn_user
■ ws_global_proxy_defaults
■ ws_parameter
■ ws_proxy_domain
■ ws_proxy_host
■ ws_proxy_origin
■ ws_proxy_port
■ ws_proxy_user
■ ws_security
3. (Optional) Specify common attributes that apply to all jobs.
The Web Service Document/Literal job is defined. When the job runs, it calls an
operation within a web service.
Define a Web Service Document/Literal Job
■ Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definitions;
therefore, they are optional. For example, jobs with no specified job type are
defined as command jobs by default. Other optional attributes specify information
that is not required but affects how or when a job runs, such as attributes that
specify scheduling conditions.
■ Some optional attributes are common to all job types but others apply to certain
jobs types only. Optional attributes that apply to all job types are known as
common optional attributes. For more information about common optional
attributes and the values that you can specify for them (including their default
values when applicable), see the Reference Guide.
■ For information about required attributes and job type specific optional attributes,
see the procedure topics that provide instructions for defining jobs.
■ This guide provides instructions for defining jobs interactively. You also create job
definitions in script files and then import them using the jil command or use CA
WCC to define them. For more information about the JIL command and JIL syntax,
see the Reference Guide. For more information about using CA WCC to define the
job, see the CA Workload Control Center Workload Scheduling Guide.
Example: Invoke a Web Service to List All Amazon Buckets Operation
Suppose that you want to invoke an Amazon web service that lists all your Amazon
"buckets". The URL for the WSDL that describes the web service and its location is The target endpoint
address URL is The job calls the operation
ListAllMyBuckets within the AmazonS3 web service. When the job invokes the web
service, information about the list of my buckets is passed to the operation. The
ListAllMyBuckets operation assigns different parameter values.
insert_job: execws
job_type: WSDOC
machine: wsagent
endpoint_URL: ""
wsdl_url: ""
service_name: AmazonS3
port_name: AmazonS3
wsdl_operation: ListAllMyBuckets
ws_proxy_port: 80
ws_proxy_user: causer@tant-a01
ws_proxy_domain: tant-a01
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets", Value=""
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/AWSAccessKeyId", Value="0x0102030405060708"
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/Timestamp", Value="2011-08-25T02:24:21"
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/Signature", Value="0x0102030405060708" Define a Web Service RPC/Encoded Job
Define a Web Service RPC/Encoded Job
You can define a Web Service RPC/Encoded job to call an operation within a web
Note: To run these jobs, your system requires CA WA Agent for UNIX, Linux, or Windows
and CA WA Agent for Web Services.
Follow these steps:
1. Insert a job and specify the following attributes in the definition:
job_type: WBSVC
Specifies that the job type is Web Service RPC/Encoded.
Specifies the name of the machine on which the job runs.
Specifies the target namespace used for the names of messages, port type,
binding, and services defined in the WSDL for the web service. Complex data
types such as arrays require the target namespace.
Specifies the operation to be invoked.
2. (Optional) Specify optional Web Service RPC/Encoded attributes:
■ destination_file
■ endpoint_URL
■ job_class
■ one_way
■ port_name
■ return_class_name
■ return_namespace
■ return_xml_name
■ service_name
■ success_pattern
■ web_parameter
■ web_user
Define a Web Service RPC/Encoded Job
470 User Guide
■ In a Web Service RPC/Encoded job, if you specify the WSDL_URL attribute but
not the endpoint_URL attribute, you must specify both the service_name and
port_name attributes. For the job to run successfully without the
endpoint_URL attribute, the agent must be running on the same computer as
the application server such as WebLogic or JBoss. If you specify both the
WSDL_URL and endpoint_URL attributes, then the service_name and
port_name attributes are optional.
■ The agent does not support document/literal styles of web services.
3. (Optional) Specify common attributes that apply to all job types.
The Web Service RPC/Encoded job is defined. When the job runs, it calls an
operation within a web service.
■ The one_way attribute is set to FALSE by default. If you do not specify this attribute
in your job definition, the job waits for a response after the agent invokes the
operation before completing. You can override this default setting by specifying the
one_way attribute in your job definition.
■ This guide provides instructions for defining jobs interactively. You also create job
definitions in script files and then import them using the jil command or use CA
WCC to define them. For more information about the JIL command and JIL syntax,
see the Reference Guide. For more information about using CA WCC to define the
job, see the CA Workload Control Center Workload Scheduling Guide.
Example: Get a Company Stock Quote
Suppose that you want to invoke a web service that returns a company stock quote. The
URL for the WSDL that describes the web service and its location is The WSDL port name within the
target namespace http://www.webserviceX.NET is StockQuoteSoap. The target
endpoint address URL is The job calls
the operation GetQuote within the StockQuote web service. When the job invokes the
web service, the company's stock symbol is passed to the operation. The GetQuote
operation returns a java.lang.String object, which maps to the XML type string in the
return namespace http://www.webserviceX.NET/. When the job completes, the stock
quote for CA is stored as a serialized Java object in the job's spool directory.
Define a Web Service RPC/Encoded Job
insert_job: quote
job_type: WBSVC
machine: wsagent
target_namespace: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/"
service_name: StockQuote
port_name: StockQuoteSoap
wsdl_operation: GetQuote
one_way: FALSE
endpoint_URL: ""
web_parameter: xsd\:string="CA"
return_class_name: java.lang.String
return_xml_name: string
return_namespace: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/"
Example: Validate an Email Address in a Web Service Job
Suppose that you want to invoke a web service that validates an email address. The URL
for the WSDL that describes the web service and its location is The job calls the IsValidEmail
operation within the ValidateEmail web service. When the job invokes the web service,
the email address is passed to the operation. If the email address is valid, the operation
returns true and the job completes successfully. If the email address is invalid, the
operation returns false and the job fails.
insert_job: subscribe
job_type: WBSVC
machine: wsagent
target_namespace: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/"
service_name: ValidateEmail
port_name: ValidateEmailSoap
wsdl_operation: IsValidEmail
endpoint_URL: ""
web_parameter: xsd\:string=""
return_class_name: java.lang.Boolean
return_xml_name: boolean
return_namespace: ""
success_pattern: true
More information:
Insert a Job Definition (see page 88)
Attributes with Default Values
472 User Guide
Attributes with Default Values
Attributes that have a default value automatically apply to the job definition. Therefore,
you do not have to specify those attributes in the definition. Your agent administrator
can define some default values on the agent in the agentparm.txt file.
If you specify the attribute in a job definition, it overrides the default.
The following Web Service Document/Literal Job attributes have default values:
Specifies whether to use the global proxy configuration specified by the proxy
parameters in the agentparm.txt file.
Default: Y (The job uses the global proxy configuration specified by the proxy
parameters in the agentparm.txt file.)
Specifies the domain for proxy authentication.
Default: http.proxyDomain agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the proxy host name to use for the request.
Default: http.proxyHost agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the origin host name for proxy authentication.
Default: http.proxyOrigin agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the proxy port to use for the request.
Default: http.proxyPort agent parameter, if specified
Specifies the user name required for proxy authentication.
Default: http.proxyUser agent parameter, if specified
Note: For more information about JIL job types and other job definition attributes, the
values that you can specify for those attributes, and JIL syntax, see the Reference Guide.
Attributes with Default Values
Example: Override the Proxy Host, Proxy User, and the Proxy Domain in a Web Service
Document/Literal Job
Several attributes in the following job definition override the default values.
Suppose that the service name and the port name are AmazonS3. In this example,
ws_proxy_host, ws_proxy_port, ws_proxy_user and ws_proxy_domain attributes
override the global proxy defaults specified in the agentparm.txt file. The credentials of
user causer@tant-a01 are used for authorization to the proxy server.
insert_job: execws
job_type: WSDOC
machine: wsagent
endpoint_URL: ""
wsdl_url: ""
service_name: AmazonS3
port_name: AmazonS3
wsdl_operation: ListAllMyBuckets
ws_proxy_port: 80
ws_proxy_user: causer@tant-a01
ws_proxy_domain: tant-a01
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets", Value=""
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/AWSAccessKeyId", Value="0x0102030405060708"
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/Timestamp", Value="2011-08-25T02:24:21"
ws_parameter: Name="/ListAllMyBuckets/Signature", Value="0x0102030405060708"
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