Monday 2 September 2024

AutoSys Permission Options and Simple File Operations


AutoSys Permission Options and Simple File Operations

AutoSys is a popular job scheduling tool used to automate complex business processes. When dealing with file operations in AutoSys, understanding permission options and how to execute file operations efficiently is crucial.

AutoSys Permission Options

AutoSys provides several permission options to manage access control. These options allow administrators to define who can create, edit, delete, or execute jobs. Some of the key permission options include:

  1. Job-Level Permissions:

    • owner: Specifies the user who owns the job. Only the owner or a superuser can modify or delete the job.
    • permission: Defines the permissions granted to users or groups for a specific job. Permissions may include r (read), w (write), x (execute), and d (delete).
  2. Global Permissions:

    • admins: A list of users who have administrative privileges, allowing them to manage all jobs within the system.
    • operators: Users who can execute jobs but may not have the permissions to create or edit jobs.
  3. File and Directory Permissions:

    • AutoSys jobs often involve file manipulation, so Unix/Linux file permissions (like chmod, chown, etc.) play a role. Ensure that the user running the job has appropriate permissions on the files and directories involved.

Simple File Operation: Appending a String to a File

You want to append a string to a file and output the result to a new file using a single command in AutoSys. Given that AutoSys may not allow the use of multiple commands separated by && or ; within a single command, you can achieve this using a simple shell script or a single command.

Example Command:

Let's assume you have file1 and want to append the string "oranges" to create file2 without altering file1.



cat file1 <(echo "oranges") > file2
  • cat file1: Outputs the content of file1.
  • <(echo "oranges"): Generates a file-like string "oranges" and appends it to the output.
  • > file2: Redirects the combined output to file2.

AutoSys Job Example:


insert_job: append_string_job job_type: c command: cat /path/to/file1 <(echo "oranges") > /path/to/file2 owner: your_username permission: wx machine: your_machine_name

This job reads the content of file1, appends the string "oranges", and writes the result to file2, all while keeping the original file1 unchanged.


AutoSys provides flexible permission options to control access to jobs, ensuring secure operations. Additionally, by leveraging simple shell commands, you can perform file operations like appending strings in a straightforward manner, even within the constraints of an AutoSys job environment.

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