Monday 2 September 2024

Understanding AutoSys R11 Job Dependency with Dependent-Job Run-Time Conditions


Understanding AutoSys R11 Job Dependency with Dependent-Job Run-Time Conditions

AutoSys is a job scheduling tool that provides comprehensive automation solutions for IT environments. One of the core features of AutoSys R11 is its ability to define job dependencies, allowing jobs to run only when specific conditions or prerequisites are met. This article will delve into job dependencies with a focus on dependent-job run-time conditions.

Job Dependencies in AutoSys

In AutoSys, a job can be set up to depend on the success, failure, or completion of another job. These dependencies ensure that jobs run in a specific order or only under certain conditions. Job dependencies are typically defined using the condition attribute in the Job Information Language (JIL) script.


insert_job: jobB command: /path/to/command machine: machine_name condition: success(jobA)

In this example, jobB will only run if jobA completes successfully.

Dependent-Job Run-Time Conditions

AutoSys R11 introduces more advanced features, including dependent-job run-time conditions. This allows jobs to be dependent not just on the completion or success of other jobs but also on specific conditions related to the run-time attributes of those jobs. These conditions can include the status of other jobs at specific times, the duration of job execution, or even the time of day.

Key Run-Time Conditions:
  1. Job Status: You can define a job to run only if another job is in a specific status, such as RUNNING, SUCCESS, FAILURE, etc.

  2. Job Execution Time: The dependency can be based on how long a job has been running or how long it took to complete.

  3. Time-Based Conditions: Jobs can be dependent on time-based conditions such as running only during specific time windows or after a certain time has passed since another job started or completed.

Example of a Dependent-Job Run-Time Condition

Let's consider a scenario where jobC should start only if jobB has been running for more than 10 minutes and jobA has completed successfully.

JIL Script:

insert_job: jobC command: /path/to/command machine: machine_name condition: success(jobA) && jobB.run_time > 00:10:00

In this script:

  • jobC will start only if jobA has completed successfully.
  • Additionally, jobC checks if jobB has been running for more than 10 minutes before it starts.

This combination of conditions allows for more complex job scheduling and ensures that jobs are executed under precise circumstances.

Benefits of Dependent-Job Run-Time Conditions

  1. Increased Flexibility: By using run-time conditions, you can define more granular dependencies, ensuring that jobs run in the most efficient order and under the correct conditions.

  2. Improved Resource Management: Run-time conditions help in managing system resources better by preventing jobs from running simultaneously or during peak load times.

  3. Enhanced Error Handling: Dependent-job run-time conditions allow for more robust error handling, as you can design job workflows that react dynamically to the status and behavior of other jobs.


AutoSys R11’s capability to define job dependencies based on dependent-job run-time conditions is a powerful tool for managing complex workflows in IT environments. By leveraging these advanced features, you can optimize job scheduling, improve resource utilization, and ensure that jobs are executed in the most appropriate order, leading to more efficient and reliable automation processes.

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