Thursday 29 August 2024

Understanding the insert_job Attribute in AutoSys

Understanding the insert_job Attribute in AutoSys 

AutoSys, a job scheduling tool widely used in enterprise environments, is renowned for its flexibility and robustness in managing and automating jobs. One of the fundamental concepts in AutoSys is the Job Information Language (JIL), a scripting language used to define jobs and their attributes. Among these attributes, the insert_job attribute plays a crucial role, as it is the first and most essential attribute that needs to be defined when creating a new job.

What is the insert_job Attribute?

The insert_job attribute in AutoSys specifies the unique identifier or name of the job being created. It is the primary key in the AutoSys database for job definitions. This attribute is mandatory and is used to reference the job in other parts of the AutoSys system, including in command-line utilities, dependent jobs, and when updating or deleting jobs.


insert_job: job_name job_type: <job_type>
  • job_name: A unique identifier for the job. It should be descriptive enough to convey the purpose or functionality of the job but must adhere to any naming conventions established within your organization.
  • job_type: Specifies the type of job. AutoSys supports several job types, including CMD (command), FW (file watcher), BOX (container for grouping jobs), and INFORMATICA (for Informatica workflows), among others.

Example of insert_job

Consider a scenario where you want to create a job that runs a script to generate daily reports. The JIL definition might look something like this:

insert_job: daily_report_job job_type: CMD command: /path/to/ machine: server_name owner: user_name start_times: "08:00"
  • daily_report_job: The unique name of the job.
  • CMD: Indicates that this job is a command job that will execute a shell script.
  • command: Specifies the path to the script that the job will execute.
  • machine: Identifies the server where the job will run.
  • owner: Indicates the user account that will own the job and under which the script will execute.
  • start_times: Sets the time at which the job should start running.

Importance of the insert_job Attribute

The insert_job attribute is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Uniqueness: Since insert_job is the unique identifier for each job in AutoSys, it prevents conflicts and ensures that each job can be easily referenced and managed.

  2. Job Management: With the insert_job identifier, you can manage your jobs using various AutoSys commands, such as sendevent to trigger jobs, autorep to report on job statuses, and job_depends to analyze job dependencies.

  3. Job Dependencies: When creating complex job flows with dependencies, the insert_job attribute helps in defining which jobs depend on others, thereby facilitating precise job sequencing.

  4. Updating Jobs: If you need to update a job, you reference it by its insert_job name. This makes job maintenance straightforward, as you can easily modify attributes without needing to redefine the entire job.

  5. Reporting and Monitoring: AutoSys provides several utilities that allow you to monitor and report on jobs using the insert_job name, enabling better visibility and control over your job schedules.

Best Practices for Using insert_job

  • Consistency in Naming: Follow a consistent naming convention for insert_job to make it easier to understand and manage jobs. Include relevant details like job function, frequency, and environment in the name.

  • Avoid Special Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters and underscores in insert_job names to avoid potential issues with scripts and commands.

  • Descriptive Names: While the insert_job name should be unique, it should also be descriptive enough to convey the purpose of the job. This is particularly useful in environments with large numbers of jobs.


The insert_job attribute is the cornerstone of job definitions in AutoSys. Its proper use and understanding are vital for effectively managing job schedules and dependencies within the AutoSys environment. By following best practices in naming and defining this attribute, you can ensure a more organized, efficient, and maintainable job scheduling system.

Whether you're a beginner in AutoSys or a seasoned user, mastering the insert_job attribute is a key step in leveraging the full power of this sophisticated job scheduling tool.

AutoSys: How to Set and Cancel Future Events

 AutoSys: How to Set and Cancel Future Events


AutoSys is a powerful job scheduling tool that allows users to automate and manage complex workflows across different systems. One of its advanced features is the ability to set and cancel future events, which can be crucial for managing time-sensitive tasks or adjusting schedules on the fly. This article will explain how to set future events using the sendevent command and how to cancel events that have been scheduled.

Setting Future Events in AutoSys

In AutoSys, you can use the sendevent command to trigger events for jobs. These events can be immediate or scheduled for a future time. Setting a future event allows you to automate the start, stop, or change of a job’s state at a specified time, which is particularly useful for managing workflows that need to occur outside of normal working hours or in response to specific triggers.

Common Future Events You Can Set

    • Schedules a job to start at a future time.
    • Schedules a job to be killed or terminated at a future time.
    • Schedules a change in the job's status, such as putting a job on hold or taking it off hold.
    • Schedules the deletion of a job at a future time.

How to Set a Future Event

The sendevent command is used to schedule these events. The basic syntax for setting a future event is as follows:

sendevent -E EVENT_NAME -J job_name -T "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS"
  • -E EVENT_NAME: Specifies the type of event (e.g., STARTJOB, KILLJOB).
  • -J job_name: Specifies the name of the job for which the event is scheduled.
  • -T "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS": Specifies the date and time when the event should occur.

Example 1: Scheduling a Job to Start in the Future

Suppose you have a job named daily_backup that you want to start at 11:30 PM on September 1, 2024. You would use the following command:

sendevent -E STARTJOB -J daily_backup -T "09/01/24 23:30:00"

This command tells AutoSys to start the daily_backup job at the specified date and time.

Example 2: Scheduling a Job to be Killed in the Future

If you need to terminate a job named data_import at 2:00 AM on September 2, 2024, you would use:

sendevent -E KILLJOB -J data_import -T "09/02/24 02:00:00"

This will ensure that the data_import job is terminated at the designated time.

Canceling Future Events in AutoSys

Once you have scheduled a future event, there may be times when you need to cancel it. AutoSys allows you to cancel these events using the sendevent command with the -E CANCELJOB option.

How to Cancel a Future Event

To cancel a scheduled event, you need to know the job name and the type of event that was scheduled. The basic syntax for canceling an event is:

sendevent -E CANCELJOB -J job_name

Example 1: Canceling a Future STARTJOB Event

If you previously scheduled a job named daily_backup to start in the future and now need to cancel that event, you would use:

sendevent -E CANCELJOB -J daily_backup

This command cancels any scheduled STARTJOB events for daily_backup.

Example 2: Canceling a Future KILLJOB Event

Similarly, if you scheduled a KILLJOB event for the data_import job but need to cancel it, you would run:

sendevent -E CANCELJOB -J data_import

This will cancel any pending KILLJOB events for data_import.

Important Considerations

  1. Timing

    • Ensure that the time zone settings in AutoSys are correct and consistent with the time zone of the target system when scheduling future events.
  2. Event Conflicts

    • If you schedule conflicting events (e.g., scheduling a STARTJOB and KILLJOB at the same time), AutoSys will process them in the order they were scheduled.
  3. Checking Event Status

    • After scheduling or canceling an event, it's a good practice to verify the status of the job using AutoSys commands like autorep to ensure that the events were successfully processed.
  4. Script Automation

    • You can include sendevent commands in scripts to automate the scheduling and canceling of events, which is particularly useful for complex workflows that require dynamic adjustments.


Setting and canceling future events in AutoSys is a powerful feature that enables precise control over job scheduling and execution. By using the sendevent command, you can automate job starts, stops, and status changes at specific times, ensuring that your workflows run smoothly and efficiently. Understanding how to manage these events allows you to respond quickly to changing business needs and maintain the flexibility required in modern IT environments.

AutoSys: Understanding Job Status, Box Logic, and What Happens When a Box Runs

AutoSys: Understanding Job Status, Box Logic, and What Happens When a Box Runs



AutoSys is a robust job scheduling and workload automation tool that helps organizations manage and streamline complex job workflows across multiple platforms. Two key concepts in AutoSys that users must understand are job status and box logic. These concepts are critical to designing effective jobstreams and ensuring that jobs execute as intended. This article explores the various job statuses, the logic governing box jobs, and what happens when a box runs in AutoSys.

AutoSys Job Status

In AutoSys, each job can have a specific status that indicates its current state. Understanding these statuses is crucial for monitoring and managing jobs effectively.

Common Job Statuses in AutoSys


    • The job is not currently running and has not yet started. This is the initial state for a job when it is defined in AutoSys.

    • The job has been triggered and is waiting for conditions to be met, such as the start time or the completion of a predecessor job.

    • The job has started its execution process but has not yet reached the running state. This is a transient state.

    • The job is currently executing on the assigned machine.

    • The job has completed its execution successfully. This is the desired end state for most jobs.

    • The job has completed execution but encountered errors or issues, resulting in a failed state.

    • The job was terminated before it could complete its execution. This status can occur due to manual intervention or an error in the job’s execution.
  8. ON_HOLD

    • The job is on hold and will not run until it is manually released. The ON_HOLD status prevents the job from starting, even if all other conditions are met.
  9. ON_ICE

    • Similar to ON_HOLD, but with a key difference: jobs downstream of an ON_ICE job do not wait for it to complete. The ON_ICE job is ignored by its dependents, allowing them to run as if the ON_ICE job does not exist.

    • The job is in the process of restarting after a failure or termination. This status is part of an automatic or manual retry mechanism.
  11. QUE_WAIT

    • The job is ready to run but is waiting in a queue because the assigned machine or resource is busy.

    • The job is waiting for one or more dependencies or conditions to be met before it can start.

    • The job is waiting for the assigned machine to become available. This status often occurs when the machine is offline or busy.

Understanding Box Logic in AutoSys

A box in AutoSys is a container that holds other jobs, including command jobs, file watcher jobs, and even other boxes. The box itself does not perform any work; instead, it serves as a logical grouping of jobs, allowing for complex job dependencies and streamlined management.

Key Concepts of Box Logic

  1. Box as a Job Container

    • A box job does not execute tasks directly. Instead, it controls the execution of the jobs it contains. When a box job is triggered, the jobs within the box are evaluated and executed based on their conditions and dependencies.
  2. Box Start and End Times

    • A box can have a start time and conditions similar to a command job. Once the box’s conditions are met, it activates the jobs within it according to their specific dependencies and order.
  3. Job Dependencies Inside a Box

    • Jobs within a box can depend on each other. For example, Job B might depend on Job A completing successfully before it starts. Box jobs manage these dependencies, ensuring that jobs run in the correct sequence.
  4. Box Status Propagation

    • The status of a box is determined by the statuses of the jobs inside it. For instance, if any job inside a box fails, the box itself is marked as FAILED unless explicitly configured otherwise.
  5. Boxes and Conditional Execution

    • A box can be used to implement conditional logic, such as running a set of jobs only if certain conditions are met. This makes boxes a powerful tool for managing complex workflows with branching logic.

What Happens When a Box Runs

When a box job is triggered, a series of events occurs within AutoSys to manage the jobs inside the box. Understanding this process helps in designing and troubleshooting workflows.

Step-by-Step Process of a Box Running

  1. Box Activation

    • The box job is activated once its start conditions are met, or it is manually triggered. The box moves to the ACTIVATED status.
  2. Evaluation of Jobs Inside the Box

    • AutoSys evaluates each job within the box to determine if its conditions are met. This includes checking dependencies, start times, and any other conditions defined for the job.
  3. Job Execution

    • Jobs within the box that meet their conditions are started. These jobs can run concurrently or sequentially, depending on their dependencies.
  4. Monitoring Job Statuses

    • As jobs within the box complete, their statuses are monitored. The box job’s status will update based on the outcomes of the jobs it contains.
  5. Box Completion

    • Once all jobs within the box have reached a terminal state (SUCCESS, FAILURE, TERMINATED), the box itself is marked as complete. The final status of the box reflects the overall outcome of the jobs inside it.

    • Box Status Logic:

      • SUCCESS: All jobs inside the box completed successfully.
      • FAILURE: At least one job inside the box failed.
      • TERMINATED: The box or one of its jobs was terminated before completion.
  6. Box Rerun and Restart

    • If a job inside a box fails, depending on the configuration, the box might be restarted or rerun. This can involve re-evaluating the conditions of the jobs inside the box and attempting to run them again.
  7. Impact on Downstream Jobs

    • If the box is part of a larger jobstream, its completion can trigger downstream jobs. The box’s final status plays a crucial role in determining whether dependent jobs are triggered.


Understanding job statuses, box logic, and the process of box execution in AutoSys is essential for effectively managing complex job workflows. Job statuses provide real-time insights into the state of jobs, helping administrators monitor and troubleshoot job execution. Box logic allows for the organization of jobs into logical units, enabling more sophisticated workflows with dependencies and conditional execution. When a box runs, AutoSys meticulously manages the jobs within it, ensuring that they execute in the correct order and according to the defined conditions.

By mastering these concepts, users can design robust, efficient jobstreams in AutoSys, optimizing job scheduling and ensuring that critical business processes run smoothly and reliably.

AutoSys: Types of Machines and Types of Jobs

 AutoSys: Types of Machines and Types of Jobs


AutoSys is a widely-used job scheduling and workload automation tool that manages and monitors jobs across a variety of environments, including Unix, Windows, and Linux. Understanding the types of machines and jobs in AutoSys is crucial for effectively designing, scheduling, and managing workflows. This article will explore the different types of machines and jobs available in AutoSys, providing insights into how they are used and their roles in automating complex workflows.

Types of Machines in AutoSys

In AutoSys, a machine is essentially a node or server on which jobs are executed. Machines are categorized based on their operating systems and roles within the AutoSys environment.

1. Standard Machines

Standard machines refer to the most common type of machine in AutoSys, where jobs are executed. These machines can be running various operating systems such as Windows, Unix, or Linux. Each standard machine must have an AutoSys agent installed, which communicates with the AutoSys scheduler to execute jobs.

Example of a Machine Definition in JIL:

insert_machine: machine_name machine_type: a ip_addr:
  • Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows
  • Usage: Standard machines are used for executing most jobs within AutoSys, including file transfers, database operations, and script executions.

2. Virtual Machines

Virtual machines (VMs) in AutoSys refer to a logical grouping of resources or machines rather than a single physical machine. VMs allow you to abstract resources from the underlying hardware, providing flexibility and scalability in managing job execution.

  • Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows (depending on the VMs)
  • Usage: Virtual machines are ideal for environments where workloads need to be balanced across multiple physical servers, or where resources need to be dynamically allocated.

3. Remote Machines

Remote machines are machines that AutoSys interacts with without having an AutoSys agent installed on them. These machines are usually accessed using remote protocols like SSH or RSH.

  • Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows
  • Usage: Remote machines are used when jobs need to be executed on systems that cannot have an AutoSys agent installed, often due to security or administrative constraints.

4. Agentless Machines

Agentless machines are similar to remote machines, but AutoSys interacts with them using an agentless connection. This setup is typically used for systems that need to be monitored or managed without installing an agent.

  • Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows
  • Usage: Agentless machines are useful in environments with stringent security policies or where the installation of third-party software is restricted.

Types of Jobs in AutoSys

AutoSys supports a variety of job types, each designed to perform specific tasks. Understanding these job types is essential for building efficient workflows.

1. Command Jobs

Command jobs are the most basic type of job in AutoSys. They execute commands, scripts, or batch files on a specified machine.

Example of a Command Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_command_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine
  • Usage: Command jobs are used for running shell scripts, command-line utilities, and other executable files.

2. Box Jobs

Box jobs act as containers or groupings of other jobs, including command jobs, file watcher jobs, and other box jobs. A box job can have dependencies and conditions that dictate when the jobs inside it are executed.

Example of a Box Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_box_job job_type: box
  • Usage: Box jobs are used to manage and organize multiple related jobs, allowing for complex workflows with dependencies and conditions.

3. File Watcher Jobs

File watcher jobs monitor the file system for specific changes, such as the creation, modification, or deletion of files. When the specified file event occurs, the job triggers and executes its defined tasks.

Example of a File Watcher Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_filewatcher_job job_type: f machine: my_machine watch_file: /path/to/file.txt watch_interval: 5
  • Usage: File watcher jobs are ideal for workflows that depend on the presence or change of files, such as data processing pipelines.

4. FTP Jobs

FTP jobs are specialized command jobs designed to handle file transfers between systems using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). These jobs can send or receive files, and they support various FTP options.

Example of an FTP Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_ftp_job job_type: c command: ftp -in < /path/to/ftp_commands.txt machine: my_machine
  • Usage: FTP jobs are used for automating file transfers between different systems, often as part of data integration or distribution workflows.

5. Database Jobs

Database jobs are designed to execute database-related commands, such as running SQL queries or calling stored procedures. These jobs are often used in data processing and reporting workflows.

Example of a Database Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_db_job job_type: c command: sqlplus username/password@database @my_sql_script.sql machine: my_machine
  • Usage: Database jobs are used for automating database operations, such as data extraction, transformation, loading (ETL), and reporting.

6. Long Running Jobs

Long-running jobs are designed for tasks that take an extended amount of time to complete, such as large data processing tasks or long file transfers. These jobs can be configured with special attributes to manage their execution and monitoring.

Example of a Long-Running Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_long_running_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine max_run_alarm: 3600
  • Usage: Long-running jobs are used for operations that are expected to exceed normal job run times, requiring special handling to avoid timeouts or premature termination.

7. Scheduler Jobs

Scheduler jobs manage the execution of other jobs based on a specific schedule. These jobs are used to control when and how often other jobs are run, allowing for time-based automation.

Example of a Scheduler Job in JIL:

insert_job: my_scheduler_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine date_conditions: 1 days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr start_times: "06:00"
  • Usage: Scheduler jobs are essential for time-driven automation, ensuring that jobs run at specific intervals or times.


AutoSys provides a flexible and powerful environment for job scheduling and automation, with a variety of machine types and job types to suit different needs. Understanding the types of machines—such as standard, virtual, remote, and agentless machines—and the types of jobs—like command, box, file watcher, FTP, database, long-running, and scheduler jobs—enables users to design efficient and effective workflows that meet the demands of complex IT environments.

By leveraging the full range of machine and job types in AutoSys, organizations can optimize their automation processes, improve resource utilization, and ensure that critical tasks are executed reliably and on time.

AutoSys: Understanding Events and Sendevent Commands

AutoSys: Understanding Events and Sendevent Commands



AutoSys is a sophisticated job scheduling and workload automation tool used by enterprises to manage complex job workflows across various platforms. One of the key features of AutoSys is its event-driven architecture, which allows for the dynamic control and execution of jobs based on specific events. In this context, the sendevent command plays a crucial role, allowing users to manually trigger or manipulate jobs and jobstreams. This article explores the concepts of events and the sendevent command in AutoSys, detailing how they work, their usage, and best practices.

What is an Event in AutoSys?

In AutoSys, an event refers to an occurrence that can trigger actions within the AutoSys environment. Events are fundamental to how AutoSys operates, as they dictate when and how jobs are executed, modified, or managed. Events can be time-based (such as a scheduled start time), condition-based (such as the completion of another job), or manual (triggered by users or other processes).

Types of Events in AutoSys:

  1. Job Events: These include events like the start, completion, success, or failure of a job.
  2. Time Events: These are based on the job's schedule, such as daily, weekly, or specific times.
  3. File Watcher Events: Triggered when a specific file is created, modified, or deleted.
  4. Custom Events: Defined by the user to trigger specific actions within the jobstream.

The Sendevent Command

The sendevent command in AutoSys is used to manually trigger or control events. This command allows users to interact with jobs outside their scheduled execution by sending specific events to jobs, boxes, or jobstreams. The sendevent command is particularly useful for testing, troubleshooting, and managing jobs in real-time.

Common Sendevent Commands

Here are some of the most commonly used sendevent commands in AutoSys:

  1. STARTJOB: Forces a job to start, bypassing its scheduled time or conditions.

    sendevent -E STARTJOB -J job_name
  2. STOPJOB: Stops a running job.

    sendevent -E STOPJOB -J job_name
  3. FORCE_STARTJOB: Forces a job to start immediately, regardless of its dependencies or conditions.

    sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_name
  4. KILLJOB: Kills a running job, terminating its process immediately.

    sendevent -E KILLJOB -J job_name
  5. CHANGE_STATUS: Changes the status of a job without executing or terminating it. For example, to change a job's status to "INACTIVE":

    sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s INACTIVE -J job_name
  6. ON_HOLD: Places a job or box on hold, preventing it from starting even if its conditions are met.

    sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J job_name
  7. OFF_HOLD: Removes the hold on a job or box, allowing it to run if its conditions are met.

    sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J job_name
  8. ON_ICE: Places a job or box on ice, meaning it won't run and its downstream dependencies won’t consider it, but the job remains in the jobstream.

    sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -J job_name
  9. OFF_ICE: Removes the ice status, allowing the job to run according to its schedule and conditions.

    sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J job_name
  10. DELETEJOB: Deletes a job from the AutoSys database.

    sendevent -E DELETEJOB -J job_name

Use Cases for the Sendevent Command

  1. Manual Job Control: Administrators can manually start, stop, or kill jobs as needed, which is especially useful during testing or in response to unexpected issues.

  2. Jobstream Management: By using the sendevent command, users can manage the flow of jobstreams dynamically, such as putting jobs on hold or on ice to control the execution order.

  3. Error Handling: When a job fails or encounters an issue, the sendevent command can be used to restart the job, bypass dependencies, or modify job status to facilitate recovery.

  4. Ad-Hoc Scheduling: The sendevent command allows users to run jobs outside their regular schedule, enabling ad-hoc execution in response to immediate business needs.

  5. Real-Time Troubleshooting: During troubleshooting, users can interact directly with jobs using the sendevent command, allowing for real-time adjustments and testing.

Best Practices for Using Sendevent

  1. Use with Caution: The sendevent command can override the normal job scheduling and dependencies, so it should be used with caution. Ensure that manual interventions do not disrupt critical workflows.

  2. Document Changes: When using sendevent for troubleshooting or ad-hoc job runs, document the changes made to ensure traceability and help in understanding the job's history.

  3. Understand the Impact: Before using commands like KILLJOB or DELETEJOB, understand the impact on downstream jobs and the overall jobstream.

  4. Testing: Use sendevent commands in a test environment before applying them to production jobs to ensure they work as expected.

  5. Coordinate with Team Members: When manually triggering jobs or changing their status, coordinate with other team members to avoid conflicts and ensure that everyone is aware of the changes being made.


The sendevent command in AutoSys is a powerful tool that allows users to manually interact with jobs, providing flexibility and control over job execution. By understanding how events work in AutoSys and how to use the sendevent command effectively, administrators can manage jobstreams more efficiently, respond quickly to issues, and optimize the overall job scheduling process. However, due to its powerful nature, sendevent should be used judiciously, with a clear understanding of its potential impact on the system and job dependencies.

AutoSys: Load Balancing of Jobs – A Comprehensive Guide

 AutoSys: Load Balancing of Jobs – A Comprehensive Guide


AutoSys is a powerful job scheduling and workload automation tool that plays a crucial role in managing complex workflows across diverse IT environments. One of the key features of AutoSys is its ability to distribute workloads efficiently across multiple servers, a process known as load balancing. Load balancing in AutoSys ensures that jobs are executed in a way that maximizes resource utilization, minimizes bottlenecks, and prevents any single server from being overwhelmed. This article explores how AutoSys handles load balancing, its benefits, and best practices for configuring and optimizing this feature.

What is Load Balancing in AutoSys?

Load balancing in AutoSys refers to the distribution of job execution across multiple machines (or agents) to ensure that system resources are used efficiently. The goal of load balancing is to distribute the workload evenly among available servers, preventing any single server from becoming a bottleneck. This is particularly important in environments where jobs vary in resource requirements, execution times, and frequency.

Why is Load Balancing Important?

  1. Optimized Resource Utilization: Load balancing ensures that no single machine is overloaded, allowing for optimal use of available CPU, memory, and disk resources.

  2. Improved Job Performance: By spreading jobs across multiple machines, load balancing can reduce job wait times and improve overall performance.

  3. Increased Reliability: Load balancing minimizes the risk of job failures due to resource exhaustion on a single server. It also provides a level of fault tolerance by allowing jobs to be rerouted to other machines if one fails.

  4. Scalability: As workloads grow, load balancing allows AutoSys to scale efficiently by distributing jobs across a larger pool of resources.

How AutoSys Performs Load Balancing

AutoSys employs several mechanisms to achieve load balancing:

  1. Machine Load Balancing:

    • AutoSys can be configured to consider the current load on each machine when dispatching jobs. The system uses metrics such as CPU usage, memory utilization, and the number of currently running jobs to determine the most appropriate machine for executing a job.
  2. Resource-Based Load Balancing:

    • AutoSys allows jobs to be assigned based on specific resource requirements. For example, a job that requires a certain amount of memory or disk space can be directed to a machine that meets these requirements. This ensures that jobs are executed on machines that can handle their resource demands without affecting other jobs.
  3. Load Balancing through Global Variables:

    • Global variables in AutoSys can be used to control job assignment dynamically. By adjusting these variables, you can influence how jobs are distributed across the environment. For example, a variable might track the number of jobs currently assigned to each machine, allowing the system to direct new jobs to less-loaded machines.
  4. Smart Queuing:

    • AutoSys uses smart queuing to manage job execution. Jobs are queued and dispatched to available machines based on priority, availability, and current load. This prevents any one machine from being overwhelmed and ensures that high-priority jobs are executed promptly.
  5. Job Prioritization and Throttling:

    • By setting priorities and using throttling mechanisms, AutoSys can control the number of jobs dispatched to a particular machine, thereby balancing the load across the environment.

Configuring Load Balancing in AutoSys

To effectively configure load balancing in AutoSys, follow these steps:

1. Define Resource Requirements

Specify the resource requirements for each job in your AutoSys environment. This includes CPU, memory, disk space, and other relevant parameters. AutoSys will use this information to match jobs with suitable machines.

Example JIL for a Job with Resource Requirements:

insert_job: my_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: any_machine cpu_time: 30 memory: 1024

2. Set Up Machine Resource Pools

Create machine resource pools that group machines with similar resources. This allows AutoSys to select machines from these pools based on the job’s resource needs.

Example JIL for Defining a Machine Pool:

insert_machine: high_mem_pool machine_type: pool machine_list: machine1, machine2, machine3

3. Use Global Variables for Dynamic Load Balancing

Implement global variables to track and control the distribution of jobs. These variables can be updated in real-time to reflect the current load on each machine, allowing AutoSys to adjust job assignment dynamically.

Example of Using Global Variables:

insert_job: my_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: `AUTO_SELECT_MACHINE`

Where AUTO_SELECT_MACHINE is a global variable that holds the name of the least loaded machine.

4. Monitor and Adjust Load Balancing

Regularly monitor the performance of your load balancing configuration using AutoSys monitoring tools and logs. Adjust resource allocations, priorities, and machine pools as needed to optimize performance.

Best Practices for Load Balancing in AutoSys

  1. Regularly Monitor Machine Loads: Continuously monitor the load on each machine to ensure that jobs are being distributed evenly. Use AutoSys reporting tools to analyze job execution times and resource usage.

  2. Prioritize Critical Jobs: Assign higher priority to critical jobs to ensure they are executed promptly, even in a high-load environment. Use job priorities and machine preferences to influence job dispatching.

  3. Optimize Resource Pools: Regularly review and optimize machine resource pools to ensure they reflect the current environment. As workloads and machine capabilities change, adjust pools to maintain efficient load balancing.

  4. Leverage AutoSys Features: Make full use of AutoSys features such as smart queuing, job throttling, and resource-based job assignment to enhance load balancing.

  5. Plan for Growth: As your environment scales, plan for the addition of new machines and resources. Adjust load balancing configurations to accommodate growth and ensure continued efficiency.


Load balancing in AutoSys is a critical component for managing job execution across complex, resource-intensive environments. By effectively configuring and optimizing load balancing, you can ensure that jobs are distributed evenly, resources are utilized efficiently, and performance is maximized. Regular monitoring and adjustments are key to maintaining an effective load balancing strategy, allowing AutoSys to scale and adapt to changing workloads and infrastructure.

Creating a Jobstream for an AutoSys Job: A Comprehensive Guide

 Creating a Jobstream for an AutoSys Job: A Comprehensive Guide


AutoSys is a powerful job scheduling and workload automation tool widely used in enterprise environments to manage complex workflows. A key concept in AutoSys is the "jobstream," which refers to a sequence of jobs that are executed in a specific order based on dependencies and conditions. Creating a well-structured jobstream is essential for ensuring that jobs run smoothly and efficiently. This article provides a detailed guide on creating a jobstream for an AutoSys job, including key considerations, steps, and best practices.

What is a Jobstream in AutoSys?

In AutoSys, a jobstream is a collection of jobs that are linked together through dependencies, forming a logical workflow. Each job in the jobstream may trigger the next job in the sequence based on certain conditions, such as the completion of the previous job or the availability of resources. Jobstreams are used to automate complex processes that require multiple jobs to run in a specific order.

Key Components of a Jobstream

  1. Jobs: The individual tasks or processes that need to be executed. Each job in AutoSys is defined with specific attributes such as command, schedule, and conditions.

  2. Boxes: A box is a container that groups related jobs together. Boxes can be used to manage the execution of multiple jobs as a single unit. Jobs within a box can have dependencies on each other.

  3. Dependencies: These are the conditions that must be met for a job to start. Dependencies can include the successful completion of another job, the availability of a file, or the completion of a time-based schedule.

  4. Conditions: Conditions are specific criteria that determine whether a job should run. These can include logical conditions based on the status of other jobs, file existence checks, or time conditions.

  5. Triggers: Triggers are events that initiate the execution of a job. A trigger could be the completion of a previous job, a specific time of day, or the arrival of a file.

Steps to Create a Jobstream in AutoSys

1. Define the Jobs

Start by defining each individual job that will be part of the jobstream. For each job, specify the required attributes such as job name, command, and execution parameters. You can create jobs using a Job Information Language (JIL) file or through the AutoSys graphical user interface (GUI).

Example JIL for a Single Job:

insert_job: my_job_1 job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine owner: max_run_alarm: 30 alarm_if_fail: 1

2. Group Jobs Using Boxes

If your jobstream involves multiple related jobs, consider grouping them into a box. A box can help manage the execution flow of these jobs and simplify the handling of dependencies.

Example JIL for a Box:

insert_job: my_box job_type: b box_name: my_box

Adding Jobs to a Box:

insert_job: my_job_1 job_type: c box_name: my_box command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine

3. Establish Dependencies

Define the dependencies between jobs to ensure they execute in the correct order. This involves specifying that certain jobs should only run after other jobs have completed successfully.

Example of a Job Dependency:

insert_job: my_job_2 job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine condition: success(my_job_1)

In this example, my_job_2 will only run after my_job_1 has completed successfully.

4. Define Conditions and Triggers

Set up conditions and triggers that determine when jobs should start. Conditions might include time-based triggers, file dependencies, or the completion status of other jobs.

Example of a Time-Based Trigger:

insert_job: my_job_3 job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine start_times: "13:00"

Example of a File Dependency:

insert_job: my_job_4 job_type: f machine: my_machine watch_file: "/path/to/watch/file.txt"

In this example, my_job_4 will trigger once the specified file appears in the given directory.

5. Schedule the Jobstream

Once all jobs and dependencies are defined, schedule the jobstream to run at specific times or intervals. AutoSys allows you to set up recurring schedules, one-time runs, or on-demand executions.

Example of a Recurring Schedule:

insert_job: my_job_1 job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_machine days_of_week: all start_times: "02:00"

6. Monitor and Manage the Jobstream

After the jobstream is set up and scheduled, monitor its execution using AutoSys tools. AutoSys provides various monitoring features, including real-time job status, alerts for failures, and logs for troubleshooting.

Best Practices for Creating Jobstreams

  1. Modular Design: Break down complex workflows into smaller, manageable jobstreams. This modular approach makes it easier to troubleshoot and maintain.

  2. Clear Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming conventions for jobs and boxes to make it easier to identify and manage them.

  3. Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms within your jobs and jobstreams. Use attributes like alarm_if_fail to notify administrators of issues.

  4. Dependency Management: Carefully plan and document job dependencies to avoid circular dependencies or deadlocks.

  5. Testing: Test the jobstream in a development or staging environment before deploying it in production. This helps identify potential issues and ensures smooth execution.

  6. Documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of the jobstream, including job definitions, dependencies, and schedules. This is crucial for troubleshooting and for others who may manage the jobstream in the future.


Creating a jobstream in AutoSys involves defining individual jobs, grouping them using boxes, establishing dependencies, and setting up conditions and triggers. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you can create efficient and reliable jobstreams that automate complex workflows and improve operational efficiency. Regular monitoring and maintenance of your jobstreams ensure they continue to run smoothly and meet your organization’s needs.

Monday 26 August 2024

How to Check AutoSys Agent Status in Linux

 How to Check AutoSys Agent Status in Linux


AutoSys is a job scheduling and workload automation tool that relies on agents to manage and execute jobs across various systems. Ensuring that the AutoSys agent is running correctly is crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of scheduled tasks. In Linux environments, checking the status of the AutoSys agent involves several key steps. This article will guide you through the process of checking the AutoSys agent status on a Linux system.

Understanding the AutoSys Agent

The AutoSys agent, also known as the AutoSys Workload Automation Agent, is responsible for executing jobs, managing job dependencies, and reporting job status back to the AutoSys server. The agent runs as a background process on the target machine where jobs are scheduled to execute.

Steps to Check AutoSys Agent Status in Linux

1. Check if the AutoSys Agent Process is Running

To verify if the AutoSys agent is running on your Linux system, use the ps command to search for the AutoSys agent process. The process name for the AutoSys agent is typically autosys or auto_agent.

ps -ef | grep auto_agent

This command will list all processes related to AutoSys agents. Look for entries related to the AutoSys agent, which typically include the name auto_agent or similar. If the agent is running, you will see its process ID (PID) and associated details.

2. Check the Status Using the autosyslog Command

The autosyslog command can be used to check the status of the AutoSys agent and review its log files for any issues.

autosyslog -f

This command displays the most recent entries in the AutoSys agent log file, which can help you identify any problems or errors related to the agent.

3. Review the Agent Log Files

The AutoSys agent log files provide detailed information about the agent's activities, including its status and any issues encountered. By default, these log files are located in the AutoSys installation directory. Check the log files for recent entries that might indicate the agent's status.

Typical log file locations:

  • /opt/autosys/agent/logs/
  • /usr/local/auto/sys/agent/logs/

Use the tail command to view the latest entries in the log file:

tail -f /opt/autosys/agent/logs/agent.log

4. Use the auto_admin Command

If you have administrative access to AutoSys, you can use the auto_admin command to check the status of the AutoSys agent. This command provides information about the AutoSys system and its components, including agents.

auto_admin -agent_status

This command displays the status of all AutoSys agents registered with the server.

5. Check System Services

If AutoSys is configured to run as a system service (e.g., using systemd or init), you can check the status of the AutoSys agent service using the appropriate service management command.

For systemd:

systemctl status auto_agent

For init (SysVinit):

service auto_agent status

These commands will show whether the AutoSys agent service is active and running, along with its current status.

6. Verify Agent Configuration

Ensure that the AutoSys agent configuration is correct and that it is properly communicating with the AutoSys server. Configuration issues can cause the agent to appear inactive or unresponsive.

Configuration files are typically located in:

  • /opt/autosys/agent/config/
  • /usr/local/auto/sys/agent/config/

Review the configuration files to confirm that settings such as server hostnames, ports, and credentials are correct.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Agent Not Running: If the agent process is not running, try restarting the agent service or process. Check the log files for errors that might indicate why the agent stopped.

    systemctl restart auto_agent
  2. Communication Issues: If the agent is running but not communicating with the server, verify network connectivity, firewall settings, and server configuration.

  3. Permission Issues: Ensure that the user account running the AutoSys agent has the necessary permissions to access required files and directories.

  4. Configuration Errors: Review and correct any configuration errors in the agent's configuration files.


Checking the status of the AutoSys agent in a Linux environment involves verifying the process is running, reviewing log files, using specific AutoSys commands, and checking system services. By following these steps, administrators can ensure that the AutoSys agent is functioning correctly and address any issues that may arise. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the AutoSys agent are essential for maintaining the reliability and efficiency of job scheduling and execution within the AutoSys framework.

Understanding AutoSys REST API: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding AutoSys REST API: A Comprehensive Guide 


AutoSys is a widely used job scheduling tool that helps organizations automate and manage complex workflows. The introduction of the AutoSys REST API has greatly enhanced the flexibility and integration capabilities of AutoSys, allowing for more efficient and streamlined job management. This article provides an in-depth look at the AutoSys REST API, its features, benefits, and how to use it effectively.

What Is AutoSys REST API?

The AutoSys REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) provides a way to interact programmatically with the AutoSys job scheduling system. It allows developers and administrators to perform various operations related to job management, scheduling, and monitoring through HTTP requests. The REST API facilitates integration with other systems and applications, enabling more dynamic and automated interactions with AutoSys.

Key Features of AutoSys REST API

  1. Job Management: The API enables you to create, update, delete, and retrieve information about jobs. This includes defining job attributes, managing job schedules, and monitoring job statuses.

  2. Job Scheduling: You can schedule jobs to run at specific times or based on certain conditions. The API allows for the configuration of job triggers and dependencies.

  3. Status Monitoring: The API provides endpoints to check the status of jobs, including whether they are running, pending, or have completed successfully.

  4. Error Handling: The API supports retrieving detailed error messages and status codes, helping in troubleshooting and managing job failures.

  5. Integration Capabilities: By using RESTful services, the API allows integration with external systems, dashboards, and monitoring tools, enhancing the automation and reporting capabilities.

  6. Scalability: The REST API is designed to handle high-volume requests and can scale according to the needs of large enterprise environments.

Benefits of Using AutoSys REST API

  1. Automation: The REST API allows for automating repetitive tasks and processes, reducing manual intervention and improving efficiency.

  2. Integration: It facilitates seamless integration with other applications, systems, and tools, enabling more comprehensive and cohesive workflows.

  3. Real-Time Interaction: The API provides real-time access to job information, allowing for immediate updates and monitoring.

  4. Custom Solutions: You can build custom solutions and interfaces tailored to specific organizational needs, leveraging the API’s flexibility.

  5. Improved Reporting: The API can be used to gather and analyze job data, generating detailed reports and insights for better decision-making.

Common REST API Endpoints

Here are some common endpoints you might use with the AutoSys REST API:

  1. Create Job

    • Endpoint: POST /jobs
    • Description: Creates a new job in AutoSys.
    • Request Body: JSON object containing job attributes such as job name, type, command, schedule, etc.
  2. Update Job

    • Endpoint: PUT /jobs/{jobId}
    • Description: Updates an existing job's attributes.
    • Request Body: JSON object containing updated job attributes.
  3. Delete Job

    • Endpoint: DELETE /jobs/{jobId}
    • Description: Deletes a specified job from AutoSys.
  4. Get Job Status

    • Endpoint: GET /jobs/{jobId}/status
    • Description: Retrieves the current status of a specified job.
  5. List Jobs

    • Endpoint: GET /jobs
    • Description: Retrieves a list of jobs based on optional filtering criteria.
  6. Submit Job

    • Endpoint: POST /jobs/{jobId}/submit
    • Description: Submits a job for execution.
  7. Get Job History

    • Endpoint: GET /jobs/{jobId}/history
    • Description: Retrieves historical data for a specified job, including past execution results and statuses.

How to Use AutoSys REST API

1. Authentication: Ensure that you are authenticated before making API requests. Depending on your AutoSys setup, this may involve using API keys, OAuth tokens, or other authentication methods.

2. Making Requests: Use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to interact with the API endpoints. Include appropriate headers, such as Content-Type: application/json, and pass the necessary data in the request body or parameters.

3. Handling Responses: The API returns responses in JSON format, which include status codes, messages, and data. Properly handle these responses to manage job execution and troubleshoot issues.

4. Error Handling: Implement error handling to manage various response status codes, such as 400 for bad requests, 404 for not found, and 500 for server errors.

5. Testing: Test API interactions in a development or staging environment before deploying them in production. Use tools like Postman or cURL to test API requests and responses.

Example Usage

Example 1: Creating a Job

curl -X POST "http://autosys-server/api/jobs" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \ -d '{ "jobName": "myJob", "jobType": "command", "command": "/path/to/my/", "schedule": "0 12 * * *" }'

Example 2: Retrieving Job Status

curl -X GET "http://autosys-server/api/jobs/myJob/status" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

Example 3: Updating a Job

curl -X PUT "http://autosys-server/api/jobs/myJob" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \ -d '{ "command": "/path/to/new/" }'

Best Practices

  1. Secure API Access: Use secure authentication methods and ensure that API access is restricted to authorized users only.

  2. Monitor API Usage: Track and monitor API usage to ensure performance and identify potential issues.

  3. Optimize Performance: Optimize API requests to reduce latency and improve response times, especially in high-load environments.

  4. Document API Usage: Maintain clear documentation of API endpoints, request formats, and response structures for ease of use and troubleshooting.

  5. Implement Rate Limiting: Use rate limiting to manage API request volumes and prevent overloading the AutoSys server.


The AutoSys REST API provides a powerful and flexible interface for interacting with the AutoSys job scheduling system. By leveraging the API, organizations can automate job management, integrate with other systems, and gain real-time access to job data. Understanding the features, benefits, and best practices for using the AutoSys REST API helps in maximizing its potential and achieving more efficient job scheduling and management.

Understanding the PEND_MACH Status in AutoSys

 Understanding the PEND_MACH Status in AutoSys


AutoSys is a popular job scheduling tool used to automate complex workflows and manage job execution across various systems. One of the important job statuses in AutoSys is PEND_MACH. This status plays a crucial role in job scheduling and execution, particularly in scenarios involving machine availability and job dependencies. This article provides an in-depth look at the PEND_MACH status, its significance, causes, and best practices for managing it.

What Is PEND_MACH Status?

In AutoSys, the PEND_MACH (Pending Machine) status indicates that a job is waiting to be executed because the designated machine is not currently available or is not responding. This status is part of AutoSys’s job management system and helps in tracking jobs that are pending due to machine-related issues.

Significance of PEND_MACH Status

  1. Machine Availability Monitoring: The PEND_MACH status helps administrators monitor job execution based on machine availability. It indicates that a job is in the queue waiting for a specific machine to become available.

  2. Job Scheduling: This status is crucial for understanding why certain jobs are not yet executed. It helps in managing job scheduling and ensuring that jobs are executed only when the required resources are available.

  3. Dependency Management: The PEND_MACH status can affect job dependencies, particularly in scenarios where jobs are dependent on specific machines. It helps in diagnosing delays and managing job execution based on machine readiness.

  4. Troubleshooting: Understanding the PEND_MACH status helps in troubleshooting issues related to machine availability and job scheduling. It provides insights into why a job might be delayed or stuck in the queue.

Causes of PEND_MACH Status

The PEND_MACH status can occur due to various reasons related to machine availability:

  1. Machine Down or Unreachable: The designated machine where the job is supposed to run might be down or unreachable. This can occur due to network issues, hardware failures, or maintenance activities.

  2. Machine Overloaded: The machine might be overloaded with other processes or jobs, causing it to be unavailable for the new job.

  3. Configuration Issues: Incorrect configuration or miscommunication between the AutoSys server and the designated machine can lead to the PEND_MACH status.

  4. Resource Constraints: The machine might be facing resource constraints such as insufficient memory, CPU, or disk space, preventing the job from executing.

How to Manage PEND_MACH Status

Effectively managing the PEND_MACH status involves taking steps to address the underlying issues and ensuring that jobs are executed as soon as possible. Here are some strategies:

  1. Monitor Machine Status: Regularly monitor the status of machines in your network to ensure they are operational and reachable. Use monitoring tools and alerts to detect issues with machine availability.

  2. Check Machine Configuration: Verify that the machine configuration in AutoSys is correct and that there are no communication issues between the AutoSys server and the machine.

  3. Resource Management: Ensure that machines have adequate resources (memory, CPU, disk space) to handle job execution. Manage and allocate resources effectively to prevent overload.

  4. Review Job Dependencies: Review job dependencies and scheduling to ensure that jobs are not waiting unnecessarily due to incorrect dependencies or scheduling conflicts.

  5. Troubleshoot and Resolve Issues: Investigate and resolve any issues that may be causing the machine to be unavailable. This may involve checking network connections, performing hardware maintenance, or adjusting configurations.

  6. Retry Jobs: If a job is stuck in PEND_MACH status for an extended period, consider retrying the job or rescheduling it to a different machine if possible.

Best Practices for Handling PEND_MACH Status

  1. Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance and updates on machines to ensure they are in good working condition and capable of running jobs without issues.

  2. Configure Alerts: Set up alerts for machine status changes or failures to promptly address issues that could lead to PEND_MACH status.

  3. Documentation: Maintain documentation of machine configurations, job dependencies, and known issues to facilitate troubleshooting and management.

  4. Optimize Scheduling: Optimize job scheduling to prevent overloading machines and ensure efficient job execution. Consider load balancing across multiple machines.

  5. Implement Redundancy: Where possible, implement redundancy by configuring backup machines or resources to handle jobs if the primary machine becomes unavailable.

Example Scenario

Scenario: Job Waiting for Machine Availability

Suppose you have a job scheduled to run on a specific machine, but it remains in the PEND_MACH status. The following steps can be taken to resolve the issue:

  1. Verify Machine Status: Check if the designated machine is up and running. Use network tools to ensure it is reachable.

  2. Check for Overload: Verify if the machine is overloaded with other jobs or processes. Review system resource usage and performance metrics.

  3. Review Configuration: Ensure that the machine configuration in AutoSys is correct and that there are no issues with machine communication.

  4. Resolve Issues: Address any identified issues, such as performing maintenance, reallocating resources, or correcting configuration errors.

  5. Retry the Job: After resolving the issues, retry the job or monitor its status to ensure it transitions from PEND_MACH to RUNNING or SUCCEEDED.


The PEND_MACH status in AutoSys indicates that a job is waiting for a designated machine to become available. Understanding and managing this status is crucial for effective job scheduling and execution. By monitoring machine availability, addressing issues promptly, and following best practices, administrators can ensure that jobs are executed efficiently and minimize delays due to machine-related problems. Proper management of the PEND_MACH status contributes to the overall success of automated workflows in AutoSys.

Understanding Exit Codes in AutoSys

 Understanding Exit Codes in AutoSys


AutoSys is a powerful job scheduling tool used for automating complex workflows across various systems. One of the crucial aspects of job management in AutoSys is understanding and interpreting exit codes. Exit codes, also known as return codes, are numerical values returned by a job's execution process to indicate the outcome of the job. These codes are essential for monitoring job status, managing job dependencies, and troubleshooting issues. This article explores the concept of exit codes in AutoSys, their significance, how to handle them, and best practices for effective job management.

What Are Exit Codes?

Exit codes are numerical values returned by a job's executable script or program to the operating system upon completion. These codes signify the result of the job's execution and help determine whether the job completed successfully or encountered issues. Exit codes are critical for understanding job performance and managing job dependencies in AutoSys.

Significance of Exit Codes

  1. Job Status Monitoring: Exit codes provide information about the success or failure of a job. They help in determining whether a job has completed as expected or if errors occurred during execution.

  2. Dependency Management: AutoSys uses exit codes to manage job dependencies and trigger subsequent jobs based on the outcome of preceding jobs. For example, a job may be configured to run only if the previous job succeeded.

  3. Error Handling: Exit codes are used to identify and diagnose issues in job execution. Analyzing exit codes helps in troubleshooting errors and implementing corrective actions.

  4. Automated Decision-Making: By setting up conditions based on exit codes, administrators can automate decision-making processes, such as retrying failed jobs or alerting operators of issues.

Common Exit Codes

While exit codes can vary depending on the job's executable or script, there are some commonly used codes:

Common Exit Codes and Their Descriptions

Here is a list of common exit codes and their descriptions:

  1. 0: Success
    The job completed successfully without any errors. This is the standard exit code indicating that the job ran as expected.

  2. 1: General Error
    A general error occurred. This exit code indicates that the job encountered an issue but does not specify the exact nature of the problem.

  3. 2: Misuse of Shell Builtins
    There was an error related to the incorrect use of shell built-in commands. This exit code typically indicates a syntax error or improper command usage in a shell script.

  4. 3: Command Not Found
    The job attempted to execute a command that does not exist. This exit code is returned when a script or command cannot be found in the system's PATH.

  5. 4: Command Not Executable
    The job attempted to execute a command or script that is not executable. This exit code indicates that the file permissions do not allow execution.

  6. 5: Input/Output Error
    An I/O error occurred during job execution. This exit code indicates problems with reading from or writing to files or devices.

  7. 6: Resource Unavailable
    A required resource, such as a file or system resource, was unavailable during job execution. This exit code indicates that the job could not access necessary resources.

  8. 7: Out of Memory
    The job encountered an out-of-memory condition. This exit code indicates that the job ran out of available memory or system resources.

  9. 8: Permission Denied
    The job did not have the necessary permissions to execute a command or access a file. This exit code indicates permission issues.

  10. 9: Process Terminated by Signal
    The job was terminated by a signal, such as an interrupt signal (SIGINT). This exit code indicates that the job was manually interrupted or terminated by a signal.

  11. 10: Job Not Found
    The job specified for execution could not be found. This exit code is returned if a job or command does not exist in the system.

  12. 127: Command Not Found
    The job attempted to execute a command that does not exist. This exit code is similar to exit code 3 but is often used to indicate command not found errors specifically.

  13. 128: Invalid Argument to Exit
    An invalid argument was passed to the exit command in a script. This exit code indicates that the exit command received an incorrect value.

  14. 130: Script Terminated by Ctrl+C
    The job was manually terminated by the user using Ctrl+C. This exit code indicates that the job was interrupted by a manual signal.

  15. 255: Exit Status Out of Range
    The job returned an exit status outside the valid range (0-255). This exit code indicates an abnormal termination or a non-standard exit status.

How to Handle Exit Codes in AutoSys

Handling exit codes effectively involves configuring job conditions and managing dependencies based on these codes. Here’s how you can handle exit codes in AutoSys:

  1. Define Exit Code Conditions: Use the condition attribute in JIL to specify actions based on exit codes. You can define conditions for job execution based on the success or failure of previous jobs.

    Example JIL Script:

    insert_job: my_job_name job_type: c command: /path/to/my/ machine: my_server condition: s(prev_job) && exit_code(0)

    In this example, my_job_name will only run if prev_job succeeded with an exit code of 0.

  2. Set Exit Code Ranges: You can specify ranges of exit codes to handle different scenarios. For example, a job may need to continue if the exit code is within a specific range.


    condition: s(prev_job) && exit_code(0, 1)

    This condition means that my_job_name will run if prev_job succeeds or fails with exit codes 0 or 1.

  3. Implement Error Handling: Configure jobs to handle specific exit codes by implementing retry logic or triggering alerts based on exit code values.


    insert_job: error_handling_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_server condition: f(my_job) && exit_code(1)

    In this example, error_handling_job will run if my_job fails with an exit code of 1.

Best Practices for Managing Exit Codes

  1. Standardize Exit Codes: Define and use a standardized set of exit codes across your jobs and scripts. This ensures consistency and makes it easier to interpret and handle exit codes.

  2. Document Exit Codes: Maintain documentation of exit codes and their meanings for each job and script. This helps in understanding job outcomes and troubleshooting issues effectively.

  3. Monitor Job Logs: Regularly monitor job logs and exit codes to identify patterns or recurring issues. Analyzing logs helps in addressing problems and improving job reliability.

  4. Test Exit Code Handling: Before deploying jobs with specific exit code handling in a production environment, test them thoroughly in a development or staging environment to ensure correct behavior.

  5. Configure Alerts: Set up alerts or notifications for critical exit codes to proactively address job failures or issues.

  6. Review and Adjust: Periodically review and adjust exit code handling and job conditions based on changes in job requirements, performance, or operational needs.

Example Scenarios

  • Scenario 1: Data Validation Job
    Suppose you have a data validation job that should run only if the previous job completed successfully with an exit code of 0. You can configure the job with a condition based on the exit code to ensure proper execution.

    Example JIL Script:

    insert_job: data_validation job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_server condition: s(prev_job) && exit_code(0)
  • Scenario 2: Backup Job with Error Handling
    For a backup job that needs to handle specific errors, you can configure it to trigger an error-handling job if the backup fails with a certain exit code.

    Example JIL Script:

    insert_job: backup_job job_type: c command: /path/to/ machine: my_server max_run_alarm: 60 term_run_time: 120 condition: exit_code(1) && f(backup_job)


Exit codes are a fundamental aspect of job management in AutoSys, providing essential information about the success or failure of job executions. By understanding and effectively managing exit codes, administrators can monitor job performance, handle errors, and automate decision-making processes. Implementing best practices for exit code handling ensures reliable and efficient job scheduling, contributing to the overall success of automated workflows in AutoSys.