Thursday 29 August 2024

AutoSys: Understanding Job Status, Box Logic, and What Happens When a Box Runs

AutoSys: Understanding Job Status, Box Logic, and What Happens When a Box Runs



AutoSys is a robust job scheduling and workload automation tool that helps organizations manage and streamline complex job workflows across multiple platforms. Two key concepts in AutoSys that users must understand are job status and box logic. These concepts are critical to designing effective jobstreams and ensuring that jobs execute as intended. This article explores the various job statuses, the logic governing box jobs, and what happens when a box runs in AutoSys.

AutoSys Job Status

In AutoSys, each job can have a specific status that indicates its current state. Understanding these statuses is crucial for monitoring and managing jobs effectively.

Common Job Statuses in AutoSys


    • The job is not currently running and has not yet started. This is the initial state for a job when it is defined in AutoSys.

    • The job has been triggered and is waiting for conditions to be met, such as the start time or the completion of a predecessor job.

    • The job has started its execution process but has not yet reached the running state. This is a transient state.

    • The job is currently executing on the assigned machine.

    • The job has completed its execution successfully. This is the desired end state for most jobs.

    • The job has completed execution but encountered errors or issues, resulting in a failed state.

    • The job was terminated before it could complete its execution. This status can occur due to manual intervention or an error in the job’s execution.
  8. ON_HOLD

    • The job is on hold and will not run until it is manually released. The ON_HOLD status prevents the job from starting, even if all other conditions are met.
  9. ON_ICE

    • Similar to ON_HOLD, but with a key difference: jobs downstream of an ON_ICE job do not wait for it to complete. The ON_ICE job is ignored by its dependents, allowing them to run as if the ON_ICE job does not exist.

    • The job is in the process of restarting after a failure or termination. This status is part of an automatic or manual retry mechanism.
  11. QUE_WAIT

    • The job is ready to run but is waiting in a queue because the assigned machine or resource is busy.

    • The job is waiting for one or more dependencies or conditions to be met before it can start.

    • The job is waiting for the assigned machine to become available. This status often occurs when the machine is offline or busy.

Understanding Box Logic in AutoSys

A box in AutoSys is a container that holds other jobs, including command jobs, file watcher jobs, and even other boxes. The box itself does not perform any work; instead, it serves as a logical grouping of jobs, allowing for complex job dependencies and streamlined management.

Key Concepts of Box Logic

  1. Box as a Job Container

    • A box job does not execute tasks directly. Instead, it controls the execution of the jobs it contains. When a box job is triggered, the jobs within the box are evaluated and executed based on their conditions and dependencies.
  2. Box Start and End Times

    • A box can have a start time and conditions similar to a command job. Once the box’s conditions are met, it activates the jobs within it according to their specific dependencies and order.
  3. Job Dependencies Inside a Box

    • Jobs within a box can depend on each other. For example, Job B might depend on Job A completing successfully before it starts. Box jobs manage these dependencies, ensuring that jobs run in the correct sequence.
  4. Box Status Propagation

    • The status of a box is determined by the statuses of the jobs inside it. For instance, if any job inside a box fails, the box itself is marked as FAILED unless explicitly configured otherwise.
  5. Boxes and Conditional Execution

    • A box can be used to implement conditional logic, such as running a set of jobs only if certain conditions are met. This makes boxes a powerful tool for managing complex workflows with branching logic.

What Happens When a Box Runs

When a box job is triggered, a series of events occurs within AutoSys to manage the jobs inside the box. Understanding this process helps in designing and troubleshooting workflows.

Step-by-Step Process of a Box Running

  1. Box Activation

    • The box job is activated once its start conditions are met, or it is manually triggered. The box moves to the ACTIVATED status.
  2. Evaluation of Jobs Inside the Box

    • AutoSys evaluates each job within the box to determine if its conditions are met. This includes checking dependencies, start times, and any other conditions defined for the job.
  3. Job Execution

    • Jobs within the box that meet their conditions are started. These jobs can run concurrently or sequentially, depending on their dependencies.
  4. Monitoring Job Statuses

    • As jobs within the box complete, their statuses are monitored. The box job’s status will update based on the outcomes of the jobs it contains.
  5. Box Completion

    • Once all jobs within the box have reached a terminal state (SUCCESS, FAILURE, TERMINATED), the box itself is marked as complete. The final status of the box reflects the overall outcome of the jobs inside it.

    • Box Status Logic:

      • SUCCESS: All jobs inside the box completed successfully.
      • FAILURE: At least one job inside the box failed.
      • TERMINATED: The box or one of its jobs was terminated before completion.
  6. Box Rerun and Restart

    • If a job inside a box fails, depending on the configuration, the box might be restarted or rerun. This can involve re-evaluating the conditions of the jobs inside the box and attempting to run them again.
  7. Impact on Downstream Jobs

    • If the box is part of a larger jobstream, its completion can trigger downstream jobs. The box’s final status plays a crucial role in determining whether dependent jobs are triggered.


Understanding job statuses, box logic, and the process of box execution in AutoSys is essential for effectively managing complex job workflows. Job statuses provide real-time insights into the state of jobs, helping administrators monitor and troubleshoot job execution. Box logic allows for the organization of jobs into logical units, enabling more sophisticated workflows with dependencies and conditional execution. When a box runs, AutoSys meticulously manages the jobs within it, ensuring that they execute in the correct order and according to the defined conditions.

By mastering these concepts, users can design robust, efficient jobstreams in AutoSys, optimizing job scheduling and ensuring that critical business processes run smoothly and reliably.

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