Monday 26 August 2024

An Introduction to AutoSys JIL (Job Information Language)

An Introduction to AutoSys JIL (Job Information Language)

autosys tutorials

AutoSys, a robust job scheduling tool used by enterprises worldwide, offers a powerful feature known as Job Information Language (JIL). JIL is the scripting language used to define, modify, and manage jobs within AutoSys. Understanding JIL is crucial for anyone working with AutoSys, as it allows for the precise configuration and control of job schedules, dependencies, and behaviors. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of AutoSys JIL, its syntax, and its key components.

What is AutoSys JIL?

JIL (Job Information Language) is a scripting language specific to AutoSys that allows users to define and control job scheduling attributes. By writing JIL scripts, users can create, update, and manage jobs within the AutoSys environment. JIL scripts are plain text files that are interpreted by AutoSys to create or modify job definitions.

JIL provides a flexible and powerful way to configure jobs, making it possible to define complex workflows with dependencies, conditional logic, and specific execution parameters.

Key Components of a JIL Script

A JIL script consists of various components that define the characteristics and behavior of a job. Here are the most important components you’ll encounter:

  1. Job Name

    • Syntax: insert_job: <job_name> job_type: <job_type>
    • Description: This defines the name of the job and its type. The job name is unique within the AutoSys environment, and the job type can be either cmd (command) for a simple command execution or box for a container of multiple jobs.


    insert_job: backup_job_1 job_type: cmd
  2. Command

    • Syntax: command: "<command_to_execute>"
    • Description: Specifies the command or script that the job will execute.


    command: "/usr/bin/"
  3. Machine

    • Syntax: machine: <machine_name>
    • Description: Indicates the machine or server where the job will run. This can be a specific server name or an alias defined within AutoSys.


    machine: server01
  4. Owner

    • Syntax: owner: <user_id>
    • Description: Specifies the user ID under which the job will run. This is important for permissions and access control.


    owner: admin
  5. Start Time

    • Syntax: start_times: "<time_schedule>"
    • Description: Defines the specific time or times when the job should be executed.


    start_times: "14:00"
  6. Date Conditions

    • Syntax: date_conditions: <yes/no>
    • Description: Determines whether the job should consider specific dates for execution. If set to yes, the job will follow the specified start times and calendars.


    date_conditions: yes
  7. Run Calendar

    • Syntax: run_calendar: <calendar_name>
    • Description: Specifies a calendar that the job should follow, defining when the job can be executed.


    run_calendar: business_days
  8. Condition

    • Syntax: condition: "<dependency_condition>"
    • Description: Defines dependencies on other jobs. The job will only run if the specified condition is met, such as another job completing successfully.


    condition: "success(another_job)"
  9. Box Jobs

    • Syntax: box_name: <box_name>
    • Description: If the job is part of a box, this attribute defines the name of the box that contains the job. Box jobs are used to group multiple jobs together for easier management.


    box_name: nightly_backup
  10. Max Run Time

    • Syntax: max_run_alarm: <time_in_minutes>
    • Description: Specifies the maximum amount of time the job is allowed to run before AutoSys sends an alert.


    max_run_alarm: 60
  11. Notification

    • Syntax: notification: "<email_address>"
    • Description: Configures notifications to be sent in case of job failures or other specified events.


    notification: ""

Creating a Simple JIL Script

Let’s put these components together to create a simple JIL script for a job that backs up a database:

insert_job: db_backup job_type: cmd command: "/usr/local/bin/" machine: prod_server owner: dbadmin start_times: "02:00" date_conditions: yes run_calendar: weekdays condition: "success(db_check)" max_run_alarm: 120 notification: ""

Understanding JIL Commands

In addition to defining jobs, JIL also supports various commands to manage these job definitions:

  • insert_job: Used to create a new job.
  • update_job: Modifies an existing job definition.
  • delete_job: Removes a job from AutoSys.
  • display_job: Displays the current settings of a job.

Best Practices for Writing JIL Scripts

  • Use Descriptive Names: Ensure job names and descriptions are clear and meaningful to make management easier.
  • Comment Your Scripts: Include comments in your JIL scripts to explain complex logic or dependencies.
  • Test in a Non-Production Environment: Always test JIL scripts in a staging environment before deploying to production to avoid unintended disruptions.
  • Version Control: Keep a version history of your JIL scripts to track changes and rollback if necessary.


AutoSys JIL is a powerful tool for defining and managing jobs within the AutoSys environment. By mastering JIL, administrators can create complex job schedules, manage dependencies, and automate critical IT processes with precision and flexibility. Whether you are defining a simple command job or orchestrating a multi-step workflow, understanding JIL is key to getting the most out of AutoSys.

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