Monday 26 August 2024

Creating an AutoSys Box Job: A JIL Example

 Creating an AutoSys Box Job: A JIL Example


AutoSys is a versatile job scheduling tool widely used to automate and manage complex IT workflows. One of the core features of AutoSys is the Box job, which serves as a container for organizing and managing a group of related jobs. A Box job simplifies job management by allowing you to control multiple jobs as a single unit. In this article, we’ll explore how to create a Box job in AutoSys using a Job Information Language (JIL) script, along with a detailed example and explanation of each component.

What is a Box Job in AutoSys?

A Box job in AutoSys is a job that groups other jobs (referred to as "child jobs"). The Box job allows you to manage multiple related jobs together, making it easier to control, monitor, and schedule them as a single unit. When a Box job is started, all the jobs inside it can be executed according to their own schedules and conditions. You can also start, stop, and monitor all the jobs within a Box job collectively.

Why Use a Box Job?

Box jobs are useful in scenarios where you have a group of jobs that need to be executed in a specific sequence or when you want to apply the same conditions to multiple jobs. Key advantages include:

  • Simplified Job Management: By grouping jobs, you can manage them more easily, especially when dealing with complex workflows.
  • Sequential Execution: You can control the order in which jobs within the box are executed, ensuring dependencies are handled correctly.
  • Centralized Monitoring: You can monitor the overall status of a workflow by tracking the Box job, rather than each individual job.

Components of a Box Job in JIL

When creating a Box job in JIL, the following key components are typically included:

  • Box Job Name (insert_job): The unique name you assign to the Box job.
  • Job Type (job_type): Specifies that the job is a Box (BOX).
  • Box Members: The individual jobs included in the Box job, each defined separately in the JIL script.
  • Conditions (condition): Specifies any dependencies or conditions that must be met before the jobs in the box can run.
  • Exit Codes (box_terminator): Determines what happens when a job within the box fails (e.g., whether to terminate the box or continue running other jobs).

JIL Example for a Box Job

Here’s an example of a JIL script that creates a Box job with a few child jobs in AutoSys:

insert_job: daily_processing_box job_type: BOX box_terminator: Y description: "Box job for daily data processing tasks" owner: autosysadmin permission: gx,ge,wx,we # Child Job 1 insert_job: data_extraction_job job_type: CMD box_name: daily_processing_box command: /scripts/ machine: server01 owner: dataadmin condition: s(previous_job) description: "Extracts data from the source system" std_out_file: /logs/data_extraction.log std_err_file: /logs/data_extraction.err alarm_if_fail: 1 # Child Job 2 insert_job: data_transformation_job job_type: CMD box_name: daily_processing_box command: /scripts/ machine: server01 owner: dataadmin condition: s(data_extraction_job) description: "Transforms extracted data for analysis" std_out_file: /logs/data_transformation.log std_err_file: /logs/data_transformation.err alarm_if_fail: 1 # Child Job 3 insert_job: data_loading_job job_type: CMD box_name: daily_processing_box command: /scripts/ machine: server01 owner: dataadmin condition: s(data_transformation_job) description: "Loads transformed data into the data warehouse" std_out_file: /logs/data_loading.log std_err_file: /logs/data_loading.err alarm_if_fail: 1

Explanation of the JIL Script:

  • insert_job: daily_processing_box job_type: BOX
    This line defines the Box job named daily_processing_box. The job_type: BOX specifies that this job is a Box job, which will contain and manage other jobs.

  • box_terminator: Y
    The box_terminator attribute is set to Y, meaning that if any job within the box fails, the entire Box job will be terminated. This ensures that subsequent jobs are not executed if a critical job fails.

  • description: "Box job for daily data processing tasks"
    A brief description of the Box job, making it easier to understand its purpose.

  • owner: autosysadmin
    Specifies the owner of the Box job, who is responsible for managing it.

  • permission: gx,ge,wx,we
    Sets the permissions for the Box job, determining who can execute or modify the job.

Child Job Definitions

The JIL script also includes definitions for three child jobs that belong to the daily_processing_box. Each job is defined with its own insert_job command and is linked to the Box job using the box_name attribute.

  1. data_extraction_job

    • job_type: CMD indicates that this is a command job.
    • box_name: daily_processing_box links this job to the daily_processing_box.
    • command: /scripts/ specifies the command to be executed by the job.
    • condition: s(previous_job) ensures this job starts only after the successful completion of a preceding job (not shown in this example).
  2. data_transformation_job

    • condition: s(data_extraction_job) ensures that this job runs only after the data_extraction_job completes successfully.
    • This job handles the data transformation process.
  3. data_loading_job

    • condition: s(data_transformation_job) ensures that this job runs only after the data_transformation_job completes successfully.
    • This job loads the transformed data into the data warehouse.

Loading the JIL Script into AutoSys

To create the Box job and its associated child jobs, you need to load the JIL script into AutoSys. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter JIL Mode: Open the AutoSys command-line interface (CLI) and enter JIL mode:

  2. Load the JIL Script: Use the batch command to load the JIL script file into AutoSys:

    batch < daily_processing_box.jil

    This command will create the Box job and its child jobs according to the specifications in your JIL script.

Verifying the Box Job

After loading the JIL script, it’s important to verify that the Box job and its child jobs were created correctly:

  1. Check Job Status: Use the autorep command to view the status of the Box job and its child jobs:

    autorep -j daily_processing_box

    This command displays the current status of the Box job and all jobs contained within it, allowing you to confirm that they are active and configured correctly.

  2. Monitor Job Execution: You can monitor the execution of the Box job and its child jobs using the same autorep command. The Box job’s status will reflect the collective status of its child jobs.

Best Practices for Using Box Jobs

  • Organize Related Jobs: Group related jobs into Box jobs to simplify management and ensure that dependencies are handled correctly.

  • Use Conditions Wisely: Leverage the condition attribute to control the order of job execution within the box, ensuring that jobs run in the correct sequence.

  • Monitor Box Jobs: Regularly monitor Box jobs and their child jobs to ensure that workflows are executing as expected. Use the autorep command to check the status and troubleshoot any issues.

  • Set Appropriate Termination Behavior: The box_terminator setting is crucial in determining how failures are handled. Configure it based on whether the remaining jobs should run even if a job fails.


Box jobs in AutoSys provide a powerful way to manage and organize related jobs, making it easier to control complex workflows. By using a JIL script to define Box jobs and their child jobs, you can streamline job scheduling and ensure that all necessary jobs are executed in the correct order. This JIL example serves as a foundational template that you can adapt to suit your specific scheduling needs.

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