Monday 26 August 2024

Creating an AutoSys File Watcher Job: A JIL Example

 Creating an AutoSys File Watcher Job: A JIL Example


AutoSys, a powerful job scheduling tool, offers a variety of job types to automate IT processes across different platforms. Among these, the File Watcher job type is particularly useful when you need to monitor specific files or directories for changes and trigger jobs based on these events. In this article, we will delve into how to create a File Watcher job in AutoSys using a Job Information Language (JIL) script, providing a practical example and explanations of each component.

What is a File Watcher Job in AutoSys?

A File Watcher job in AutoSys is designed to monitor specific files or directories for changes such as file creation, modification, or deletion. When the specified event occurs, the File Watcher job triggers another job or series of jobs, automating workflows that depend on file availability or changes. This is particularly useful in scenarios like data processing pipelines, where jobs need to start as soon as new data files are available.

Components of a File Watcher Job in JIL

Before diving into the JIL example, it’s important to understand the key components of a File Watcher job:

  • Job Name (insert_job): The unique name you assign to the job.
  • Job Type (job_type): Specifies that the job is a File Watcher (FW).
  • Machine (machine): The server where the job runs.
  • Watch File (watch_file): The file or directory to monitor.
  • Watch Interval (watch_interval): The time interval (in seconds) between checks for the file event.
  • Owner (owner): The user responsible for the job.
  • Alarm Settings (alarm_if_fail): Configures notifications in case of job failure.
  • Output Files (std_out_file, std_err_file): Paths where job output and error logs are stored.

JIL Example for a File Watcher Job

Here’s an example of a JIL script that creates a File Watcher job in AutoSys:

insert_job: file_watcher_example job_type: FW watch_file: "/data/incoming/*.txt" machine: server01 owner: fileadmin watch_interval: 60 description: "File Watcher job to monitor incoming .txt files" std_out_file: "/var/log/file_watcher_example.log" std_err_file: "/var/log/file_watcher_example.err" alarm_if_fail: 1 term_run_time: 120

Explanation of the JIL Script:

  • insert_job: file_watcher_example
    This line defines the job's name as file_watcher_example. The job name should be unique within the AutoSys environment.

  • job_type: FW
    Specifies that this job is a File Watcher (FW) type, which tells AutoSys that the job's purpose is to monitor a file or directory.

  • watch_file: "/data/incoming/*.txt"
    This key attribute defines the file or directory to be monitored. In this case, the job is set to monitor all .txt files within the /data/incoming/ directory. The use of *.txt indicates that any text file in this directory will trigger the job.

  • machine: server01
    Specifies the machine (server01) where the File Watcher job will run. This should be the machine where the monitored directory or file resides.

  • owner: fileadmin
    The user who owns the job is fileadmin. This user will be responsible for the job's execution and monitoring.

  • watch_interval: 60
    Sets the interval at which AutoSys checks for the specified file event. In this example, AutoSys will check the /data/incoming/ directory every 60 seconds for new or modified .txt files.

  • description: "File Watcher job to monitor incoming .txt files"
    A brief description of what the job does, which is useful for documentation and job management.

  • std_out_file: "/var/log/file_watcher_example.log"
    The path where the job's standard output will be logged. This is useful for debugging and auditing purposes.

  • std_err_file: "/var/log/file_watcher_example.err"
    The path where the job's error output will be logged. Monitoring this file helps in troubleshooting if the job encounters issues.

  • alarm_if_fail: 1
    Configures AutoSys to send an alarm if the job fails. This ensures that failures are promptly noticed and addressed.

  • term_run_time: 120
    Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) the job is allowed to run. If the job exceeds this time, it will be terminated. This helps prevent jobs from running indefinitely due to unexpected issues.

Loading the JIL Script into AutoSys

Once you have written your JIL script, you need to load it into AutoSys to create the job. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open AutoSys JIL Mode: Open your AutoSys command-line interface (CLI) and enter JIL mode:

  2. Load the JIL Script: Use the batch command to load your JIL file into AutoSys:

    batch < file_watcher_example.jil

    This command will create the File Watcher job based on the specifications in your JIL script.

Verifying the File Watcher Job

After loading the JIL script, verify that the job was created correctly and is functioning as expected:

  1. Check Job Status: Use the autorep command to view the status and details of your File Watcher job:

    autorep -j file_watcher_example

    This command displays the job's current status, allowing you to confirm that it is active and monitoring the correct file or directory.

  2. Monitor Logs: Review the output and error logs specified in the std_out_file and std_err_file attributes to ensure the job is running correctly and to troubleshoot any issues.

Best Practices for File Watcher Jobs

  • Use Specific Patterns: When defining the watch_file attribute, use specific file patterns to avoid unnecessary job triggers. For example, monitor only .csv files if your job only needs to process those.

  • Set Appropriate Watch Intervals: Balance the watch_interval to avoid overloading the system with frequent checks while ensuring timely job execution.

  • Log Management: Regularly review the logs specified in std_out_file and std_err_file to identify and address any issues quickly.

  • Test Your Job: Before deploying the File Watcher job in a production environment, test it in a controlled setting to ensure it behaves as expected under various conditions.


The File Watcher job type in AutoSys is a powerful feature that automates workflows based on file system events. By creating a File Watcher job using a JIL script, you can ensure that your jobs react dynamically to changes in your file system, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of your automated processes. This JIL example provides a foundational template that you can adapt to suit your specific needs.

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